Summer Olympics Paris - 2024


Well-known member
Rock climbing, sky diving, tightrope walking are a bit different. They're sports where you can literally die if you don't have talent lol.

Obese Mike off the street isn't gonna die if he plays a game of football. Other than maybe a heart attack because he's too fat.


You're welcome
Rock climbing, sky diving, tightrope walking are a bit different. They're sports where you can literally die if you don't have talent lol.

Obese Mike off the street isn't gonna die if he plays a game of football. Other than maybe a heart attack because he's too fat.
But mitigation of fear through exposure also applies to football.

Think of fear of getting on pitch and underperforming. That’s why players start out with few minutes and build up from there as to gain confidence


Senior Member
No, he means that everyone can improve within their own potential and personal limit, be the best they can be, if they work hard.

Nobody can be Messi with hard work. But they can be the best version of themselves. For some that is still rubbish, for others it takes them from average to good. But Messi is the best ever. But even he has to work hard to maintain his level.
That's a captain obvious take. Was never under dispute. Maybe there was some misunderstanding.


Well-known member
But mitigation of fear through exposure also applies to football.

Think of fear of getting on pitch and underperforming. That’s why players start out with few minutes and build up from there as to gain confidence

True, it's a different type of fear though. It's a fear of failure, rather than a fear that is converted to adrenaline and a deep rush at being able to scale a wall or sky dive. I guess in those extreme sports the 'fear of failure' has an incentive of not dying lol.


Well-known member
That's a captain obvious take. Was never under dispute. Maybe there was some misunderstanding.
There must have been, because you asked that question literally to Horatio. I was surprised you asked it because as you say, it's a captain obvious take. Maybe you meant it sarcastically and rhetorically to Horatio.


Well-known member
Was actually not what I meant lol but all
good. Was more focused on how coaches and training also deal overcoming fear
Yeah, getting players more comfortable with the ball, removing their nerves about playing in front of thousands and millions on TV.

Maybe the best example is the penalty shootout. They practice it but can never replicate the nerves of the actual shootout in front of millions. Like rock climbers can practice rock climbing but when it comes to the largest cliffs, they have to have a degree of 'leap of faith'.


Well-known member
nvm. Think we cleared the air. I am
I agree that there must be at least a little fear to produce the adrenaline rush of 'beating the risk' in extreme sports. Otherwise why do it? They wouldn't feel the rush of prevailing if there was no fear in the first place.

maybe for guys like Petit, there's no fear and he did it just to show the world he can. And he liked the towers too apparently, they had just opened.


Senior Member
There must have been, because you asked that question literally to Horatio. I was surprised you asked it because as you say, it's a captain obvious take. Maybe you meant it sarcastically and rhetorically to Horatio.
What i meant is that sure, one can mitigate fear factor by exposure to some level, but not to extremes that some guys do. Like i could relate to ramp divers and ski jumping, because you can up your threshold gradually, especially when starting the sports from early childhood. You can become very confident in your skill by slowly upping that level. Walking from one skyscraper to another on a rope, where tiniest mistake or unfortunate blow of wind will make you die in one of the most slow and scariest deaths ever - no. The same as with the bare hand cliffhanger. Those are special people with some unique traits. No normal athlete would be as daring.


You're welcome
I agree that there must be at least a little fear to produce the adrenaline rush of 'beating the risk' in extreme sports. Otherwise why do it? They wouldn't feel the rush of prevailing if there was no fear in the first place.

maybe for guys like Petit, there's no fear and he did it just to show the world he can. And he liked the towers too apparently, they had just opened.

Okay, now that you agree let me take to next nevel: what about psychopaths?


You're welcome
What i meant is that sure, one can mitigate fear factor by exposure to some level, but not to extremes that some guys do. Like i could relate to ramp divers and ski jumping, because you can up your threshold gradually, especially when starting the sports from early childhood. You can become very confident in your skill by slowly upping that level. Walking from one skyscraper to another on a rope, where tiniest mistake or unfortunate blow of wind will make you die in one of the most slow and scariest deaths ever - no. The same as with the bear hand cliffhanger. Those are special people with some unique traits. No normal athlete would be as daring.
yeah, I think that is correct


Well-known member
What i meant is that sure, one can mitigate fear factor by exposure to some level, but not to extremes that some guys do. Like i could relate to ramp divers and ski jumping, because you can up your threshold gradually, especially when starting the sports from early childhood. You can become very confident in your skill by slowly upping that level. Walking from one skyscraper to another on a rope, where tiniest mistake or unfortunate blow of wind will make you die in one of the most slow and scariest deaths ever - no. The same as with the bear hand cliffhanger. Those are special people with some unique traits. No normal athlete would be as daring.
I agree with that and sort of made the same point myself. I agree with all you say.

I said you can expose yourself gradually, but eventually you have to take a massive leap of faith. You can maybe practice tightrope walking as high as a few stories, or even 6 or 7. But nothing prepares you for the twin towers, you cannot practice THAT.

And same with the other examples you give. Like you say, the extremes these guys go to cannot be practiced to that degree.


Well-known member
Okay, now that you agree let me take to next nevel: what about psychopaths?
I always agreed, to some extent.

Well, psychopaths have no empathy, or feeling generally. So I would suggest they don't fear getting caught (even if they wanna stay out of prison as it's a game to them). They probably have no fear of capital punishment and being sentenced to death either.

I am not sure if that is what you were insinuating though. If you mean they're the ultimate in lack of fear or feeling, it could be a good point.


Well-known member
So you might be asking, if they don't have feelings or empathy, how do they get a thrill from murder? No idea to be honest. maybe it's that lack of empathy that causes it.

With them a lot of it is sexual too.

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