The Negreira case


Active member
Laporta: "I'm really excited to confront the scoundrels who are trying to stain our club."The situation can go far. The struggle to register your free young man adds heat.


Staff member
Meh who cares. We open a new league or force a Superleague.

Anyone with healthy pair of eyes who watched La Liga in last few decades knows we were fucked over countless times more than Mandril.

I get the trauma Barca caused on many other fans by being top team in the World in last 30 years but this ain't no place for their therapy and we have nothing to apologise. Just be happy we enjoyed it, shame they suffered.
Good times. Wouldn't change it.


Senior Member
Laporta: "I'm really excited to confront the scoundrels who are trying to stain our club."The situation can go far. The struggle to register your free young man adds heat.

I'm not much of a laporta fan

But we as fanbase need to get behind him 100%

Ita clear to anyone with a brain this is an attack on us because we are successful and doing well


Senior Member
Former La Liga referee Iturralde Gonz?lez claimed on SER that Florentino P?rez locked him and two of his assistants in a separate room to put pressure on them. He informed the committee about this but they did not open any file or investigate the matter.


Senior Member
Former La Liga referee Iturralde Gonz?lez claimed on SER that Florentino P?rez locked him and two of his assistants in a separate room to put pressure on them. He informed the committee about this but they did not open any file or investigate the matter.


Nice of referees to come out defending us tho



Flair Trait
It is supposed to prove absurdity of statement of Mr. Jaguar about Barcelona not receiving a fraction of help Madrid allegedly did.

You show only one video and say that isnt a fraction? :lol: You also didnt even tag me for the video either Mr NKM just saying :shrug:

new users like you entertain us a lot keep keep going


Senior Member

The point is that LaLiga had existed for years under the guise of refereeing incompetence. It was been indoctrined into the league for so long to make it acceptable to see and ignore these decisions.

Tebas knows full well what happened under his watch was unacceptable. If there was favourable calls then their committee should have been investigated such obvious patterns.

As for Perez, it is clear what is happening him from him. The most guilty speaks the loudest. His current words are a deflection of what decisions Madrid have received.

You can not watch the games over the past 25 years and then have news of Barcelona paying 7m to the referee committee VP, yet Madrid are receiving as many or more favourable decisions. Or that Barcelona have LaLiga winning goal in 2014 incorrectly called.

Clearly something is going on in the whole system and Tebas has been oblivious to this. He is the big failure in all that is happening.


Senior Member
Piqu?: "If you want to pay the referees, it's easy, you stand by him and give the envelope, it's easier than going to the vice-president of the refereeing committee."]

]"The 'Negreira case? I would put my hand in the fire for my club. Bar?a have not bought any referee."


Senior Member
The 'justification' of the ex-presidents of Bar?a for the 'Negreira Case': ''We paid in self-defense''
El Mundo reveals in its edition this Tuesday the private conversations of some executives about hiring the services of Enr?quez Negreira

New chapter in the 'Negreira Case' . In its edition this Tuesday, the newspaper El Mundo reveals some confidences made by ex-presidents and ex-managers of FC Barcelona who were there during the time of payments to Jose Mar?a Enr?quez Negreira, former vice-president of the Referees Committee.

"We paid in self-defense" was one of the secrets made in private and they also maintain that they hid these payments from the rest of their managers and a large part of their executives "to protect them."

The arguments of the exalted charges of Barcelona
This has been the argument that some exalted Barcelona officials have received in recent weeks when asking for explanations for the systematized payments to the former number two of the arbitration establishment. Some of them also add that they did not break with Negreira before because his connection was that of "permanent blackmail."

The version coincides with those made before the Tax Agency by the former referee, who said that Bar?a wanted to guarantee "neutrality" in arbitrations. Other executives now being investigated, such as Albert Soler, stated that they only knew about the club's relationship with Javier Negreira, son of the former vice president of the CTA, who made reports on the rival teams and the appointed referees on a weekly basis.


Win for [MENTION=15262]serghei[/MENTION]


Senior Member
The 'justification' of the ex-presidents of Bar?a for the 'Negreira Case': ''We paid in self-defense''
El Mundo reveals in its edition this Tuesday the private conversations of some executives about hiring the services of Enr?quez Negreira

New chapter in the 'Negreira Case' . In its edition this Tuesday, the newspaper El Mundo reveals some confidences made by ex-presidents and ex-managers of FC Barcelona who were there during the time of payments to Jose Mar?a Enr?quez Negreira, former vice-president of the Referees Committee.

"We paid in self-defense" was one of the secrets made in private and they also maintain that they hid these payments from the rest of their managers and a large part of their executives "to protect them."

The arguments of the exalted charges of Barcelona
This has been the argument that some exalted Barcelona officials have received in recent weeks when asking for explanations for the systematized payments to the former number two of the arbitration establishment. Some of them also add that they did not break with Negreira before because his connection was that of "permanent blackmail."

The version coincides with those made before the Tax Agency by the former referee, who said that Bar?a wanted to guarantee "neutrality" in arbitrations. Other executives now being investigated, such as Albert Soler, stated that they only knew about the club's relationship with Javier Negreira, son of the former vice president of the CTA, who made reports on the rival teams and the appointed referees on a weekly basis.


Win for [MENTION=15262]serghei[/MENTION]

I really hope that's fiction because that would therefore imply we paid to influence refereeing decisions.

Bribing to counteract (presumably) other perceived bribes makes Barca guilty.


Senior Member
I really hope that's fiction because that would therefore imply we paid to influence refereeing decisions.

Bribing to counteract (presumably) other perceived bribes makes Barca guilty.

First sensible post from this guy.

You might not know ball, but you def know law

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