Thiago Silva


Active member
Its clear what he says,he likes Barcelona but will respect his contract and wont do anything to make a transfer happen.It never started,we shouldnt even discuss the same and same again


President of FC Barcelona
We should have forgot Thiago Silva and closed the Marquinhos' deal before PSG even reported their interest.

Its just pathetic by :zubi::rosell:


Exactly, it never started. People who really believed we would sign Thiago Silva from P$G (of all teams) after they just signed him last summer for 45M are maybe a bit too gullible. Especially not if the player makes no effort whatsoever.
On the brightside, Rami & Mathieu are still available.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Exactly, it never started. People who really believed we would sign Thiago Silva from P$G (of all teams) after they just signed him last summer for 45M are maybe a bit too gullible. Especially not if the player makes no effort whatsoever.
On the brightside, Rami & Mathieu are still available.
Wonder why it is a brightside though... Is it for the team getting a defender or is it for our comic relief :eusa_think:


Have to use a little bit of irony and jokes every once and a while because I'm starting to fear my prediction about the whole centre back issue might become true. This actually is my reaction in real life:



New member
I actually like how PSG wont submit to Barca management. Thinking from their point of view ofc!
Of course Barca management completely f**** up all transfers in the last few years. They should have gone for Thiago Silva last year when he actually was for sale in AC Milan. They would most probably get him for the same amount of money as they offer this year.., and we'd probably have had better success in CL.

PSG management said a few months ago that this is just the beginning. That they will rule the soccer world and I believe they will. They bought Cavani, they will get Marquinos. They also threatened that if we dont back off, they will buy our players with a ridicolous offer just to screw us. We should just forget Thiago and start looking for alternatives.

Many people dont like this so called 'new clubs'. They arent new, they just never had the budgets other teams had. And I like it how they can beat big teams and shake the soccer world, it keeps things interesting and unpredicted.

What Barca really should do is saying good-bye to Rossell, Zubi and yes, also to Tito.
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New member
They also threatened that if we dont back off, they will buy our players with a ridicolous offer just to screw us.
Surely the Qataris won't do that, they're not that stupid. I don't know the exact numbers, but I'm quite sure that their 30M yearly sponsorship-deal with Barcelona givse them more visibility/marketability all over the world than their 300M+ investment in PSG. Despite signing big-name players, it will take PSG ages to reach the popularity/marketability that Barca offers atm. So it's in their best interest to stay good friends with us.

Many people dont like this so called 'new clubs'. They arent new, they just never had the budgets other teams had. And I like it how they can beat big teams and shake the soccer world, it keeps things interesting and unpredicted.
I strongly dislike the PSG and Monaco's of this world, they're totally unfair competition. PSG spent 270M during the last 2 years and Monaco will probably spend a similar amount in just 1 summer! How can they justify that when FFP states that the clubs can't spend more money than they generate?


New member
I have lost hope already regarding Thiago Silva coming to Barcelona. He is not the kind of player to force a transfer; and is keen to stay. Furthermore, PSG will not sell him for any price [unless Thiago will force a transfer]. We should really be looking at other options by now (which I expect the board to do).


New member
I strongly dislike the PSG and Monaco's of this world, they're totally unfair competition. PSG spent 270M during the last 2 years and Monaco will probably spend a similar amount in just 1 summer! How can they justify that when FFP states that the clubs can't spend more money than they generate?

Those are just the initial investments that need to be done in order to win trophies asap. Which for such clubs is a must. Take for instance Chelsea and Man City. They had to invest a lot of money to buy new players at the start of their journey. But now that their positions are filled they are only doing slight changes each year the same way as Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Dont get me wrong, the wages and fees are blown out of this world if you ask me. I would impose something like salary cap on wages in the NBA. There is no reason and no excuse why one person should earn 200.000 € a week, while there are millions who wont earn that amount of money in a decade.


New member
Those are just the initial investments that need to be done in order to win trophies asap. Which for such clubs is a must. Take for instance Chelsea and Man City. They had to invest a lot of money to buy new players at the start of their journey. But now that their positions are filled they are only doing slight changes each year the same way as Barcelona and Real Madrid.
Yeah, but how does that adhere to the FFP? What's the use of UEFA implementing such a new policy when they clubs don't have to adhere to it anyway?


New member
Thiago Silva (PSG): "I like Barça. Everybody likes their style. I love football, so I also like how they play. But there's nothing concrete"

Thiago Silva (PSG): "Barça rumours? I have a four-year contract, I'm happy and I hope to stay until the end of my contract." [globoesporte]

:facepalm: This will never end.


Here is the full quote from a french website :

T. Silva : « Je vais porter le maillot du PSG »

Dans une interview accordée à Globoesporte, Thiago Silva, actuellement en vacances au Brésil, a réaffirmé son intention de rester au PSG malgré l’intérêt du FC Barcelone. « La saison va commencer comme la dernière s’est terminée. Je vais porter le maillot du PSG, a déclaré le capitaine de la Seleçao, qui reprendra l’entraînement le 30 juillet. J’ai parlé plusieurs fois avec le président (Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, ndlr). C’est quelqu’un de très sympathique. Nous parlons presque tous les jours. Nous avons une très bonne relation. Ça m’incite à rester. Ça me donne encore plus de motivation d’avoir cette relation avec le président et le propriétaire du club (…) Le coach (Laurent Blanc) m’a libéré afin que je puisse profiter de mes vacances mais il compte sur moi pour le Trophée des champions le 3 août contre Bordeaux (…) J’ai un contrat de quatre ans avec le PSG et je vais le respecter. J’ai une responsabilité dans un club important de ma carrière. Je n’ai rien à dire d’autre. Pour d’éventuelles négociations, il faut voir ça avec mon club (…) C’est inutile de me mettre la pression. J’y suis habitué, j’ai de l’expérience. J’ai une affection pour Barcelone et son style de jeu. Tout le monde aime la façon dont ils jouent. Comme je suis un passionné de football, moi aussi. Mais il n’y a rien de concret pour l’avenir. Je suis heureux et j’espère pouvoir honorer mon contrat au PSG. »

What's interesting is that he says that he has an excellent Relationship with Nasser and that it pushes him to stay at PSG and that it doesn't make him unhappy to be here, and motive him about the PSG's big project. He also mentiosn that he has an that Relationship with :

1/ the PSG's president, AKA Nasser.


2/ The PSG owner, AKA, i think, the head of the gang in Doha. That could include the Prince himself.

That said, he also says that he respects his contract (he said that before in his career and is not a man who starts fight nor drama).

And finally, he says that he is happy and that pressuring him to fight the psg will lead nowhere, (so even if you're Barcelona president).

Now about me, I'm new here but i follow this discussion since a few days and i will be honest, i follow it as a PSG fan.

That said, some things i read here pushed me to come and post. Not to troll at all, but to give a different view about some things i read that are wrong in my opinion because many barca fans don't know much about the PSG and how the season went with Silva as his captain.

- Silva is a very, very respected figure here in France. Beside a f**** bad referee who went wild for no reason and gave him a red card, he's respected and loved by the journalists, by the people, by all the players in the league (well beside Barton, of course). So you have to take it in account that he can not feel bad about that. the football fans from the whole country are in big majority fans of silva. They can hate PSG all they want for different reason, but Silva is really something else here. I don't remember any player being loved like that.

- Silva showed quite many times how he's happy with his [working] Relationship between him and the president Nasser (and the Doha head too). During the festival at the stadium after the PSG won the French League, he was the only one going arms in arms with Nasser, as if they were close buddies. Not something you would see between a very empowered Club president and a player. It really shows at time how Silva is treated differently. Nasser, the Prince and the psg as a whole like him a lot.

He's Nasser/Doha friendo and is happy about it and i really dont see the point about bringing a LIE on this. Silva is not an actor. I think he's geniunely honest. Actually, i think it's quite rare to meet a man of trust like him. He said in an interview 6 months ago in a french paper how he wants to be an example, how he thinks about being right in his boots all the time because he feels he has responsibilities in what he's in. Weither it's his family, his friend, his job, his boss, his club, his fans.

Add to all of that that Nasser is in a position where he can't let Silva go because it would send a very, very bad signal because of everything i wrote. Trust me, Ancelotti and Leo left but it's nothing of an earthquake like it would be if Silva leaves, because even those in the french media who hate PSG (there are numberous for some reason...), love Silva and never attack him or the PSG on this side of the ring.

So i'm like all of you but from the other side. I can't predict the future, but know that in France we love him and i think Silva sees it often. That we have "sources" too, or people pretending to have some you might say ;)

So when i read here one of the posters saying "there is a chance you will see" as if he had a trusted source, i will say to you that we have the same "kind of sources" here but saying things favorably about him staying here.

That means those sources IMO can't be trusted and i prefer to look at the whole picture.

And the whole picture is for example completely different from the ancelotti/PSG thing that plagued the PSG for near 6 months. You can't be a good actor and everybody here, even if we hoped for a change of mind, saw it coming because there was quite the lightning between nasser/doha and carlo. The eyes of people don't lie and carlo's eyes were clear : something was and went very wrong for months.

Something no one can say there is about Thiago Silva.

Well, i'm done. I hope it doesn't bother you that i went over and talked a bit about this issue.

I wish you the best even if your president went down the shi**er for me after he asked on the TV that a player should go fight his club as if it was normal because it's "the barca who asks it".

I like the barca as a team, but i actually don't know much about the management of your team, but, I hope you can try to understand how many people here, not just me, not just PSG fans, went "my god, WTF is rosell smoking, that's not how a big club president should act on the TV, that's not how a big club president should act towards other club, and that's not how a big club president should act towards a player who's also a good person".

Actually, to ask a player, a person, to go on a rampage while you (rosell), the "Cicero" hides in the bushes is quite the coward approach.

And a No is a No. I really hope Rosell don't treat people around him like he treats football players or football/club representatives.

And from what Silva showed so far, I don't think he's one to not respect what people replies to him, weither it's Yes or No.

That's where i think Rosell is wrong actually, if he thinks that Silva has the same mentality as him, he's plainly wrong and, I think, that's where he lost any possible deal with the PSG and with Silva.

Even if Silva likes the Barca as a team, I would like to hear his reply if a courageous journalist asks him what he thinks of Rosell mentality about his case, and how Rosell wants to use him to play the Bad Guy in this Drama here in France while Rosell would just hide his ass there in Catalonia ready to "take the poor Silva in because the evil french people are bad to him."

Really, I mean really...

Anyway, time for dinner here. Thank you for reading and take care everyone.
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