Thiago Translantara


New member
Since your Admin didn't get my PM yet, and my account is still here, let me say a few more things. YES. You are losing a brilliant poster, with quite a knowledge of football for a woman, who also likes to have fun and talk about these guys as sex objects, not just wonderful players. THERE.
I have been to MANY message boards and trust me...yours is nothing compared to what I had to deal with elsewhere. I am simply too tired and I have too little time now to deal with nastiness and stupidity and most of all with others' inability to accept differing points of view. If that was a APPRECIATION thread for Thiago, then all you could have done was TELL ME, and i would have deleted my post and moved it elsewhere. Instead, you chose your way of dealing with it here and in the thread that I introduced myself. Mocking will never be accepted by anyone, anywhere, and saying "don't take things seriously" means nothing. I DON'T take things seriously. I only took it seriously, when my family and friends were being attacked and insulted on other forums (like I said...I am not a newbie), but why should I read the garbage like that?
All I was looking for was INTELLIGENT DEBATE. Not worshipping. THAT requires DIFFERING OPINIONS.
As for Thiago...I only said it, because IN MY OPINION, he was more noticeable a few months ago. He is still a brilliant player though.

Weird. I've been on thiago's case ever since his dip in form post pre-season and yes people disagree but don't really ''abuse'' me or anything.
Anyway sad to see you go.


New member
Since your Admin didn't get my PM yet, and my account is still here, let me say a few more things. YES. You are losing a brilliant poster, with quite a knowledge of football for a woman, who also likes to have fun and talk about these guys as sex objects, not just wonderful players. THERE.
I have been to MANY message boards and trust me...yours is nothing compared to what I had to deal with elsewhere. I am simply too tired and I have too little time now to deal with nastiness and stupidity and most of all with others' inability to accept differing points of view. If that was a APPRECIATION thread for Thiago, then all you could have done was TELL ME, and i would have deleted my post and moved it elsewhere. Instead, you chose your way of dealing with it here and in the thread that I introduced myself. Mocking will never be accepted by anyone, anywhere, and saying "don't take things seriously" means nothing. I DON'T take things seriously. I only took it seriously, when my family and friends were being attacked and insulted on other forums (like I said...I am not a newbie), but why should I read the garbage like that?
All I was looking for was INTELLIGENT DEBATE. Not worshipping. THAT requires DIFFERING OPINIONS.
As for Thiago...I only said it, because IN MY OPINION, he was more noticeable a few months ago. He is still a brilliant player though.

Obvious Dalitis is obvious. It's actually ridiculous how hard you try mate.

And I think congratulations to Thiago are in order!


New member
21 year old? needs to up his game. He's not a teenager anymore.

And before you start defending him.
Yes he is VERY good. Probably the best central midfielder u-23 but THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Remember that he is supposed to replace XAVI, the best midfielder the game has ever seen.


New member
21 year old? needs to up his game. He's not a teenager anymore.

And before you start defending him.
Yes he is VERY good. Probably the best central midfielder u-23 but THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Remember that he is supposed to replace XAVI, the best midfielder the game has ever seen.

So you are saying that he's the best among midfielders older than him (two years in that age is a big difference), yet he's not good enough?

Are you saying that he's supposed to be the best midfielder in the world? Isn't that a paradox since Xavi (or Iniesta depending on what you prefer) holds that throne?

Or are you just saying that you need something to b*tch about no matter how stupid?


New member
So you are saying that he's the best among midfielders older than him (two years in that age is a big difference), yet he's not good enough?

Are you saying that he's supposed to be the best midfielder in the world? Isn't that a paradox since Xavi (or Iniesta depending on what you prefer) holds that throne?

Or are you just saying that you need something to b*tch about no matter how stupid?

Pretty sure I'm not saying the third option.

Again let me rephrase it for people who don't understand.


Like it or not it's true.


New member
Pretty sure I'm not saying the third option.

Again let me rephrase it for people who don't understand.


Like it or not it's true.

Well, that depends on what you want him to do. Pre-season he was a goalscorer, he played as an offensive midfielder not even remotely like the Xavi role, and now he's better defensively, his passing and "playmaker-instincts" are a lot better, amongst many things.

I do think he's progressed, but that of course is only my own opinion, I mean it's not like I have a lot of matches backing me up, oh wait... I do!


Pretty sure I'm not saying the third option.

Again let me rephrase it for people who don't understand.


Like it or not it's true.

I strongly disagree. If goals are the criteria you are applying then yes, he hasnt. But his overall game has improved a lot, he rarely misplaces a pass, that was the major downside of his game last season.

Also his linkup play has improved, just look at some of those 1-2s.

He has become more patient too, always bides his time when he has few options for a pass.

edit: + Seems to understand the flow of the game more than last season. He used to disrupt some great buildups with a rushed pass (something Cesc has been getting stick for), now he adds to the flow.
Last edited:

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Thiago has certainly improved this season, it's obvious for all to see. He doesn't give the ball away as often and he's much more commited in defense, he's become more of a team player.

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