Thiago Translantara


To be fair to Thiago, he has been our most consistent performer in our last La Liga games . It is apparent that the more he plays the more confident he feels and the better he performs. He is by far in a better form than Fabregas and he is denied his deserved minutes because of Cesc's price tag and reputation.

This. It is impossible for a player, and especially for a youngster, to gain some form if you get a starting place and then get benched for the next four weeks, and then get a starting place again, and then get benched again...


Wild Man of Borneo
Does anyone here do their own stat counts? Everywhere I look it says that Thiago has 3 goals and 5 assists this season. I'm almost positive that he has many more assists than that. Can anyone confirm?


Cruijff's Heir
According to the statistics thread it says 9 assists and 3 goals. But that's all competitions, so maybe you are looking at just Liga g/a?

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