Thiago Translantara


Mike the Knife
Thiago (22) considers to leave. Due to a clause in his contract regarding playing time he can leave for 20M. Man City sounded him out [rac1]



New member
I don't think he'll leave. He loves Barca and he knows he's only 22 and his chances will come. But he needs to be assured by the management that he'll get much more minutes next season.


New member
I don't think he'll leave. He loves Barca and he knows he's only 22 and his chances will come. But he needs to be assured by the management that he'll get much more minutes next season.

I also doubt it'll happen. But the very fact that we are talking about it and that it's more than just possible, is bad enough. Unacceptable.


I don't think he'll leave. He loves Barca and he knows he's only 22 and his chances will come. But he needs to be assured by the management that he'll get much more minutes next season.
But will he? I have my doubts.


New member
But will he? I have my doubts.

I have trouble finding any indications what-so-ever that either of our younger non-starting players will get more playing time next season. For goodness' sake, some of them have even played less this season than last season.


World Champion
RAC1 is the most reliable source you'll get concerning Barca by the way.

I don't think he'll leave. He loves Barca and he knows he's only 22 and his chances will come. But he needs to be assured by the management that he'll get much more minutes next season.

Don't know if he loves Barca or not but before he signed his first team contract he said this:

Thiago: "I would lie if I say my dream is to be successful in FC Barcelona. My dream is to be succesful in football."

His father as well has bemoaned his lack of playing time countless times now. It isn't far-fetched that he'll leave. Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas, Thiago for 2 positions. 1 will always be unhappy.


Mike the Knife
Will this come down to Cesc being Catalan vs Thiago I wonder?...Perhaps not but it looks bad for all the obvious reasons...My biggest fear with signing Cesc was that it would result in us losing Thiago which sounds like it's closer to becoming a reality

Would be a massive mistake but I feel the club has suddenly started making one bad decision after another...Rosell to rival Gaspart's reign as worst President?

Pepe Silvia

Active member
The fault here clearly lies with Tito (possibly losing Thiago). Why there are people who support him as a coach is disturbing. Must be sympathy.


Imagine if Pep takes him to Bayern. I don't know how they are with md players, but he could always sell some to get Thiago.


Wild Man of Borneo
Imagine if Pep takes him to Bayern. I don't know how they are with md players, but he could always sell some to get Thiago.

With Kroos, Martinez, Schweinsteiger, Gotze, etc. they are already stacked in midfield, far more than we are


New member
@footballmood: Thiago will not leave. IF he does, that will make Cesc the most expensive signing. where barca paid amount+messed with Keita, Thiago&JDS.


Senior Member
Cant blame Thiago at all if he fancies a move.

The club plays far to much on the loyalty of youth players and thinks they will never leave due to their love of the club. Which the younger players can put up with if they are learning from the best team in the world. But when that team is being out played in almost all the big games and you are still ignored it must start to change your attitude.

Tito seems scared of the senior players and is not willing to upset any of them.

More and more players from the youth teams etc will start leaving if players are not given a chance.

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