Thiago Translantara


New member
What if he was injured for 41% of the season (for example)? I mean if he can't play in the last game, shouldn't it be considered he was unavailable (still not enough, 35/59, but maybe he was unavailable for selection in other games)?

Just added up the games, Thiago was unable to play due to injury for 11 games (1+4+6 , CdR, CL and Liga respectively). That means he played 34 out of 47 games where he was available. That means %72-69, surely we'd include something in case of injuries...


New member
Just added up the games, Thiago was unable to play due to injury for 11 games (1+4+6 , CdR, CL and Liga respectively). That means he played 34 out of 47 games where he was available. That means %72-69, surely we'd include something in case of injuries...

47 games = 4230 minutes.
He's played ~1860 minutes

So he's played around 43% of the minutes he was available for. Considering he's fourth choice that isn't that bad really. It's also likely to increase next season so I don't really see the point in him leaving now. If he does then all that patience has gone to waste.


It is bad considering our lead in La Liga since freaking November + the fact that he doesn't play even if the title is already won and we have nothing to play for besides those stupid 100 points.


New member
I agree. And that's why I wonder what's going inside Tito's head considering that and also the fact that Thiago was in a very good form when he had a chance to play. He was so much better than Xavi recently, especially against Bayern. So why not give him a chance instead? Not only is he better at the moment, but also he would gain some valuable experience in all those matches which would pay off in following seasons.


New member
Tito's going to make Thiago leaving this summer.
Alves said that Thiago wants to leave and everymedia is talking about ManUTD. Fuck this, if he leaves I will be angry against our staff. This guy is the most talented player that La Masia provided after Leo, how can we let him leave ????

Xavi needs to be benched because everytime Thiago played, he did very well... He deserves to be a starter next season.

I hate the way Tito's managing our team. Some players deserve to play more than others (Thiago instead of the shitty Cesc and Tello/Alexis instead of Villa and Pedro who are playing really badly for months or Song instead of Busquets who has been totally explosed at Munich).

We need a coach who will take the good decisions and Tito doesn't. If Thiago, Tello, Martin and others youngs leave, it will send a bad message to La Masia players like Deulofeu and others : they can't play in our first team because their performances will not be enough to secure them a place in the eleven-type because Tito has his preferences
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Senior Member
Obviously moron Rosell doesnt believe that we need a good coach so he chose and protect Tito. I think the root of all problem is this moron Rosell and his joke of a board, Zubi is not even on par Txiki let alone better than him omg. The man is just focusing solely on destroying everything that Laporta had created.


Tito's going to make Thiago leaving this summer.
Alves said that Thiago wants to leave and everymedia is talking about ManUTD. Fuck this, if he leaves I will be angry against our staff. This guy is the most talented player that La Masia provided after Leo, how can we let him leave ????

Xavi needs to be benched because everytime Thiago played, he did very well... He deserves to be a starter next season.

I hate the way Tito's managing our team. Some players deserve to play more than others (Thiago instead of the shitty Cesc and Tello/Alexis instead of Villa and Pedro who are playing really badly for months or Song instead of Busquets who has been totally explosed at Munich).

We need a coach who will take the good decisions and Tito doesn't. If Thiago, Tello, Martin and others youngs leave, it will send a bad message to La Masia players like Deulofeu and others : they can't play in our first team because their performances will not be enough to secure them a place in the eleven-type because Tito has his preferences
Dude, you need to chill.


New member
Don't worry about Thiago leaving. Manchester United never sign midfielders. Scholes will probably come out of retirement again


New member
It's ultimately Thiago's choice to leave or stay. If he can't see that he has a great future at Barça and that he'll be a starter for years to come, then maybe it's better for him to leave now. Or else, every transfer season, it's gonna be the same charade over and over. We already went through this two summers ago.
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