Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
Roura: "Thiago lower buyout fee because of lack of playing time? We decide lineups based on football criteria, we're not aware of contracts"



Senior Member
If he really said that, it confirms that Tito and Roura do not have what it takes to be coaches of a topclub.

All top managers pick their line ups for a variety of reasons - contracts, player development etc.

It seems like Tito and Roura just pick those that were in Guardiola's eleven regardless.

They have no idea how to rebuild teams and develop players it seems. Two things that are vital at Barcelona.


Wild Man of Borneo
Roura you genius :worthy:

I'm not going to sympathize for much longer and it'd be pretty honest to say that this era for Barca is in a decline. It's happened throughout history and it'll happen again (Cruyff's Ajax, Sacchi's Milan, etc.). The problem is that even though we won't hit the same levels of success, there was no reason that we couldn't keep playing the beautiful style and have the amazing philosophies of youth development and amazing teamwork. Under Tito we've even let go of that by now with piss poor tiki taka, no movement, no pressing, unbelievable Messi dependence. He's always talked down for playing with Xavi and Iniesta but these past 2 seasons he's been to Barca what Maradona was to Napoli.

Freezing out players like Thiago, Montoya, Tello and probably even Deulofeu later shows that the club has declined in success as well as principle foundations. If Tito were to change and do things right, we wouldn't hit the heights of the Pep era but we'd still be playing the same classy style. Right now our play is just a shadow of what it once was.


Mike the Knife
Clearly the club has long decided to take a strong (aka stupid) position with regards to Thiago who probably has made it clear, both through him & Mazinho, that he is unhappy with how he's been used...I didn't expect the club to coddle Thiago but I certainly expected them to show some restraint and foresight in one of their prime cantera talents...You kick a player like Thiago to the curb, what are you saying to other talents in La Masia?

We've seen a string of key personnel making their way to the exit under Rosell, I don't think we can call this a coincidence - Pep, Valdes and now Thiago?....Who'll be next?


Flair Trait
Roura: "Thiago lower buyout fee because of lack of playing time? We decide lineups based on football criteria, we're not aware of contracts"

I knew Roura had really average intelligence when it comes to both football and press conferences, but this just proves me wrong altogether, he is a bloody idiot. Footballing criteria? Thiago is one of the most naturally talented players I have seen come out La Masia, his touch and control of the ball would make most midfielders jealous. This statement alone could completely shatter the chances of Thiago staying this summer, whether big or small.


New member
I know you guys like to overreact over every little quotes, but there's nothing wrong with what Roura said. All he's saying is that lawyers/administrators take care of contracts and coaches take care of football, and that contracts don't affect the line-up, which is the way it should be. It's pretty much the only way he could have answered that question. Now if you want to see it as a jab against Thiago, have fun with that.


New member
I know you guys like to overreact over every little quotes, but there's nothing wrong with what Roura said. All he's saying is that lawyers/administrators take care of contracts and coaches take care of football, and that contracts don't affect the line-up, which is the way it should be. It's pretty much the only way he could have answered that question. Now if you want to see it as a jab against Thiago, have fun with that.

I could care less about what Roura said. But it would be great to see he and Tito go based upon, you know, footballing criteria.

Mr Hulot

New member
I know you guys like to overreact over every little quotes, but there's nothing wrong with what Roura said. All he's saying is that lawyers/administrators take care of contracts and coaches take care of football, and that contracts don't affect the line-up, which is the way it should be. It's pretty much the only way he could have answered that question. Now if you want to see it as a jab against Thiago, have fun with that.

When you are on the verge of losing an amazing player only for 18 million, it is not the wisest thing to basically say: Thiago didn't play, because he was not good enough.


Wild Man of Borneo
I know you guys like to overreact over every little quotes, but there's nothing wrong with what Roura said. All he's saying is that lawyers/administrators take care of contracts and coaches take care of football, and that contracts don't affect the line-up, which is the way it should be. It's pretty much the only way he could have answered that question. Now if you want to see it as a jab against Thiago, have fun with that.

Even considering how much could've been lost in translation, there is little to suggest that Roura or Tito even care about giving Thiago any playing time. Even forgetting the contract or his unhappiness at the treatment he gets, they still aren't playing him for good footballing reasons as well. He's in top form, he's a top talent, the league is won, and he needs playing time to develop. Yet they feel like the lineups they are picking are with the best players needed for the best reasons? Hardly. Roura makes it seem like they are more preoccupied with the importance of the sporting aspect yet they fail to even properly address that side of the game as well.


New member
When you are on the verge of losing an amazing player only for 18 million, it is not the wisest thing to basically say: Thiago didn't play, because he was not good enough.

Good thing he's not saying that then. All he's saying it that contracts have no bearing on the line-up, as a general rule. Again, it's the only way you can answer that question.


Flair Trait
When you are on the verge of losing an amazing player only for 18 million, it is not the wisest thing to basically say: Thiago didn't play, because he was not good enough.

My thoughts exactly, and I couldn't gather anything else from his statement, total nonsense.

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