Thiago Translantara


Barçapocalypse NOW!
It's ultimately Thiago's choice to leave or stay. If he can't see that he has a great future at Barça and that he'll be a starter for years to come, then maybe it's better for him to leave now. Or else, every transfer season, it's gonna be the same charade over and over. We already went though this two summers ago.

Are you 100% sure of that? Especially when it isn't only up to him... He has what it takes, but if the manager in charge refuses to play him or if his development is hampered, then it's very hard to assure he'll have a bright future here...


New member
Tito's going to make Thiago leaving this summer.
Alves said that Thiago wants to leave and everymedia is talking about ManUTD. Fuck this, if he leaves I will be angry against our staff. This guy is the most talented player that La Masia provided after Leo, how can we let him leave ????

Xavi needs to be benched because everytime Thiago played, he did very well... He deserves to be a starter next season.

I hate the way Tito's managing our team. Some players deserve to play more than others (Thiago instead of the shitty Cesc and Tello/Alexis instead of Villa and Pedro who are playing really badly for months or Song instead of Busquets who has been totally explosed at Munich).

We need a coach who will take the good decisions and Tito doesn't. If Thiago, Tello, Martin and others youngs leave, it will send a bad message to La Masia players like Deulofeu and others : they can't play in our first team because their performances will not be enough to secure them a place in the eleven-type because Tito has his preferences



New member
Are you 100% sure of that? Especially when it isn't only up to him... He has what it takes, but if the manager in charge refuses to play him or if his development is hampered, then it's very hard to assure he'll have a bright future here...

You can't be sure of anything in life. But managers come and go and there's still nothing to indicate that Villanova has anything against him. Sure Thiago could have played more, but like it's been said on the last page, he still played 43% of the minutes he was available. Not bad for a 21 years old midfielder in this Barcelona team. At least it's not really something to worry about for now. He's not some fringe player like Muniesa or JDS.

King Leo

I agree that if Tito allowed to leave then we will have a major issue to deal with regarding the future of our young players. Thiago is a gem. I have to pick between Thiago and Cesc I'd drop Cesc in a blink and pick Thiago. I knew a long way back that there's gonna be an overhall of the team but for God sake Thiago is untouchable. While Rosell chasing down Neymar's ass we are loosing one of our treasures. F#*! our management!


Senior Member
Agree with King, Thiago over Cesc anytime. He is a very good player now and a great one for the future, he MUST stay


ze special one
>2/3 yrs left on contract, great prospect - 20m
>less than a year left on contract, unproven - 45m

this is why teams always play us on transfers


New member
I think Xavi has regressed in one point, his defensive work. If he is protected by a defensive midfielder full time and if he is given freedom of his defensive duties, Im certain he can keep going

Another factor regarding Xavi is that the movement up front is a little different under Tito. Xavi helps players find space and when everyone are shut down, it becomes tough for the great man

Thiago on the other hand, offers that unpredictability that we all love to see. With a dribble or with a no-look pass or with a through ball. Lets hope it works out well for the youngster be it here or be it any other club.


Active member
Roura: "Thiago lower buyout fee because of lack of playing time? We decide lineups based on football criteria, we're not aware of contracts"


New member
I still feel the player will remain at the club. It is common that coaches lose cool when questioned about their authority in selecting line ups. But still, could have said something in favorable of the young lad.
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