Thiago Translantara


New member
If Thiago leave I will NEVER forgive Rossell and Tito. It makes no sense what so ever! I'm seriously losing patience with with Tito and Rossell, all of our La Masia talents have been ignored this season which is completely against what the club stands for. If we lose Thiago, that's it, it's truely the beginning of the end of our great team until Tito gets the hell out. Please prove me wrong Tito, PLEASE.


Its not titos fault but he just dont know better. He is not a tactical Genius and dosent know how to bring young players in this team just look at bartra. Thiago dosent deserve this so he should leave where he can play first team.


World Champion
Thiago might have deserved more playing time this season but let's also be fair to the club. This is Barcelona and the guy is just playing his SECOND season in the top flight. Last season he has played more than anyone would have expected. This season a bit less after he missed the pre-season and the beginning of the season after a ligament injury and was set back after another 4 week injury. There is no reason for him and his shitbag father to threaten the club with an exit so quickly, even if he hasn't been treated optimally this time around. It took Xavi 4 seasons with the first team to establish himself properly. Similar with Iniesta who was moved around all over the pitch in his first few seasons. So he should just sit down, shut it and see what happens in the next 2 years. Then he can maybe kick up a fuss. But not after 1 season. If he thinks he's entitled to be a starter then good luck at other big clubs like Manchester United who not only keep rotating absolutely everyone including the likes of Rooney but also let go of Pogba because he demanded playing time. Who knows if they might possibly regard Thiago as an attacking midfielder and all of a sudden he might compete with Kagawa (and Rooney if he doesn't leave) for playing time.


Wild Man of Borneo
Thiago might have deserved more playing time this season but let's also be fair to the club. This is Barcelona and the guy is just playing his SECOND season in the top flight. Last season he has played more than anyone would have expected. This season a bit less after he missed the pre-season and the beginning of the season after a ligament injury and was set back after another 4 week injury. There is no reason for him and his shitbag father to threaten the club with an exit so quickly, even if he hasn't been treated optimally this time around. It took Xavi 4 seasons with the first team to establish himself properly. Similar with Iniesta who was moved around all over the pitch in his first few seasons. So he should just sit down, shut it and see what happens in the next 2 years. Then he can maybe kick up a fuss. But not after 1 season. If he thinks he's entitled to be a starter then good luck at other big clubs like Manchester United who not only keep rotating absolutely everyone including the likes of Rooney but also let go of Pogba because he demanded playing time. Who knows if they might possibly regard Thiago as an attacking midfielder and all of a sudden he might compete with Kagawa (and Rooney if he doesn't leave) for playing time.

I agree with your sentiment but there have been a number of times this season when the management could easily have afforded to give Thiago playing time. Also considering that he's in top form while Xavi hasn't been so, it'd be pretty fair to give him the nod. I mean they decided to play Xavi on painkillers over Thiago in a Clasico, showing what great lengths the management would go to make sure that the lineup stay rigid and unchanging.

Although it would be a hasty move from Thiago to force a transfer after one season of less than deserved playing time.


Wild Man of Borneo
Alves: If Thiago decided to go, hats off to him

In a recent interview, Alves spoke recent rumours linking Thiago to a move away from the Camp Nou because of lack of first-team minutes.

“The situation can be tough to swallow for someone like him, who loves what he does. If he ultimately decides to leave, then hats off to him. You’ve got to have guts in life and if he feels that’s what’s best for him, then good on him. That’s proof that he loves what he does. Anyone who is happy not playing can’t have that love – it means they’ve gotten too comfortable.”

However, Alves and Thiago’s teammate, Xavi Hernandez understand what it’s like to play behind a club legend, as he waited for his turn behind Pep Guardiola, and feels that the Spanish U21 star should be patient.

“My advice to Thiago would be to be patient. He’s an exceptional player. Maybe he hasn’t played as regularly as he would’ve liked, but the same thing happened to me back when I was his age.”


Senior Member
Relax guys, with Tito im sure that all of our youngsters will leave eventually so no need to be sad or anything.


New member
Batman and Robin have always looked clueless , I honestly fear they might not care if thiago wants to leave thinking cesc will do the job.


Flair Trait
Batman and Robin have always looked clueless , I honestly fear they might not care if thiago wants to leave thinking cesc will do the job.

At this stage I would much rather sell Cesc than Thiago, Cesc although provides a lot of assists and scores goals drifts out of games, his control his sometimes sharp in one game and in the next all he can provide is sloppy touches and 5 meter passes go wayward. He's also nullified against organized defenses because he needs space to make defense splitting passes. Which is why I think Thiago is much more the finish article for a Barcelona midfielder even though Cesc is more experienced.

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