Thiago Translantara


New member
Thiago might have deserved more playing time this season but let's also be fair to the club. This is Barcelona and the guy is just playing his SECOND season in the top flight. Last season he has played more than anyone would have expected. This season a bit less after he missed the pre-season and the beginning of the season after a ligament injury and was set back after another 4 week injury. There is no reason for him and his shitbag father to threaten the club with an exit so quickly, even if he hasn't been treated optimally this time around. It took Xavi 4 seasons with the first team to establish himself properly. Similar with Iniesta who was moved around all over the pitch in his first few seasons. So he should just sit down, shut it and see what happens in the next 2 years. Then he can maybe kick up a fuss. But not after 1 season. If he thinks he's entitled to be a starter then good luck at other big clubs like Manchester United who not only keep rotating absolutely everyone including the likes of Rooney but also let go of Pogba because he demanded playing time. Who knows if they might possibly regard Thiago as an attacking midfielder and all of a sudden he might compete with Kagawa (and Rooney if he doesn't leave) for playing time.

Nicely said.

I think people tend to forget how Xavi and Iniesta had to wait.

We tend to forget many things during our unnecessary panics. One good example was fans saying Iniesta and Xavi couldn't play together because they are the same players, 5-6 years later today, no one remembered that soap opera.

Thiago should listen to Xavi and be patient. He'll get his moment.


Tito should quit.

I didn't like him since he started taking over the squad..Surely, his absence caused of cancer was not so easy for the whole team but now he's back and in my opinion, nothing changed. The 7-0 against Bayern is a proof. This year it is no catastrophy to lose against Bayern, but not in that way. In the Allianz Arena, we had NO chance to even score one goal! That's because of Messi's injury? Well..this is really weak..
Regarding thiago's wish to be sold..
This is the worst thing, that could happen to us! In my opionion, the time of Xavi, Puyol is over! I think that the trainers are too stuck in their system. They need a Xavi who is still strong in passing but he is not capable ob doing fast counters and IMO we have to improve this. A Fabregas and a Villa are also not able to play faster and Villa needs 1000 chances to score only one goal. Cesc needs very much space to play his passes..
I think barca should bench Xavi, they should sell Villa any maybe even fabregas..

A good squad I could imagine:


Marquinhos ---------- Piqué --------- Hummels/Silva --------- Alba


Thiago ------------Iniesta

Deloufeu --------------------Messi ----------------Neymar


New member
whats with this cesc needs space to do his thing. thats BS cesc needs runners not static wingers who just look to pass to messi. I for thiago this season because the team was not picked on form but by the name of the player


Thiago reaches 100 games for Barça today. I think tito starting him today is a sign he wants him to stay :D


Best midfielder around
He is just so good, much better than Xavi. He won't go nowhere, next season he will replace Xavi.

I Wonder

New member

like a boss


Flair Trait
His strength on the ball really is underrated, it compliments his dribbling because his strength along with his balance make him difficult to shove off the ball.


New member
Thiago was very good, but Xavi is just a class above everyone else. The minute he set foot on the pitch our game changed completely. He pulls all the strings.

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