Thiago Translantara


Senior Member

He's good... REALLY GOOD! :thiago: :thiago: :thiago: :worthy: :worthy:

The way he bosses that midfield kinda reminds me of Xavi but with a bit more flashiness and dribbling skills. Truly an amazing talent. The one thing he needs to improve on is to release passes faster with a shorter space since world class opposition will not give him as much space as the Russians did.

I would be severely depressed if he leaves and really does sign for MAN U. You just can't let go of a talent like this. His release clause should've been 200 mill. He also needs a certain type of a contract where he's guaranteed at least a certain amount of minutes for the season.
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New member
I've always thought of him as a dictating AM rather than a Central midfielder. He plays much better in that role where plays start or pass through him. Our most talented La Masia product since Messi.


Cruijff's Heir
I've always seen our midfield trio as CDM-CM-ACM, two players in front of Busquets with one in a more advanced role than the other. Xavi was the CM, whereas Iniesta was the ACM. Maybe it isn't that bad of an idea to have Iniesta play the 'Xavi' role and Thiago play more towards the box of the two players in front of Busquets. That could unlock more of Thiago's potential, since he does indeed reminds me more of an ACM than CM.


Senior Member
Since I'm from Croatia I would add Kovacic on that list of top youngsters, Halilovic is ultimate talent but could have problems due to personality issues. Though he look like Barca material, small, fast, great dribbling

Just to EDIt, this video is :party1:...Thiago and Montoya next year in first 11 and you have "2 signings done"
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New member
Tonight he had an ok game colpable for few bad touches also not many penertrating pass. It could be that the german def was solid, but needs to step up abit more

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