Thiago Translantara


World Champion
I just read that Barcelona doesn't even own 100 % of Thiago's transfer rights but only 80 %. 20 % belong to a group accociated with his father? Apparantly Rosell explained that 2 weeks ago.


New member
Man United want to close the transfer of Barcelona midfielder Thiago this week, ahead of the presentation of new coach Moyes on Monday. [as]
Where exactly is Thiago right now? because literally every report on this deal now is saying the same thing, Barcelona and Thiago are about to have a final meeting in which the club expect Thiago to confirm he wants to leave and that the player and his dad will say he wants to join United etc etc yet isnt he on holiday??

Dont tell me we're all going to have to wait another few weeks for him to come back from holiday to do all this??


Where exactly is Thiago right now? because literally every report on this deal now is saying the same thing, Barcelona and Thiago are about to have a final meeting in which the club expect Thiago to confirm he wants to leave and that the player and his dad will say he wants to join United etc etc yet isnt he on holiday??

Dont tell me we're all going to have to wait another few weeks for him to come back from holiday to do all this??

Probably :p
After the confeds, it'll be done.


New member
I had a dream that Mazinho was a Sith Lord and that Thiago and Rafinha were his apprentices, then some Jedis came and managed to take them down in some beautiful night mountain scenery, and the last scene featured a narrator saying "And peace and prosperity was finally established in the Galaxy".


This saga is taking its toll on my mind.

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