Thiago Translantara

Says who he is staying?? Don't let the rumors sway you. :)

I doubt hed post i love Barcelona knowing full well the amount of hysteria that's going on with his name linked to other clubs and everyone talking about him leaving if it didnt have some serious underlying meaning, im sure he does mean the city but its not something you post if your about to up sticks and leave, in my opinion anyway.

Like i said last night mate im just hoping its over to be honest and think it is, wouldn't be surprised if by monday theres an official announcement about him staying, dont blame him, leaving your boyhood club was always going to be hard, hope he gets the chance to shine this season.
But how is it over? He tweets an Instagram photo quoting I love Barcelona, it don't have the initials FC in front of it, meaning he just loves the city.

He still may go to Manchester for the rain, fish n chips and doughnuts with De Gea?

Hahaha as tempting as that sounds if i were him i know where id rather be!


Culé de Celestial Empire
I doubt hed post i love Barcelona knowing full well the amount of hysteria that's going on with his name linked to other clubs and everyone talking about him leaving if it didnt have some serious underlying meaning, im sure he does mean the city but its not something you post if your about to up sticks and leave, in my opinion anyway.

Like i said last night mate im just hoping its over to be honest and think it is, wouldn't be surprised if by monday theres an official announcement about him staying, dont blame him, leaving your boyhood club was always going to be hard, hope he gets the chance to shine this season.

I think people are reading too much out of "I heart Barcelona". Again, things have not changed in the recent weeks, have they?


That tweet definitely shows he's thinking about staying at the very least, why we would post it knowing the rumors going around right now?

He's the future of the club, he's going to stay and fight for his spot. He'll one day be regarded as the best midfielder in the game if he stays Barcelona, that's how much I believe in this kid.

If he stays, he is showing true loyalty to the club. Rosell should sell Alex Song and give him the money. If Song can make 7M a year than we can put Thiago at least 5M.
I think people are reading too much out of "I heart Barcelona". Again, things have not changed in the recent weeks, have they?

Its not so much the specific message mate its the timing of posting it knowing whats going on right now, maybe i am reading to much into it but put yourself in his shoes, everywhere you turn people are asking you if your leaving Barcelona, everyones saying your joining Man Utd, do you then in the middle of all this post i Love Barcelona without it having some deeper meaning? i dont know maybe, but its not something i personally would post if i were him and about to leave the club.

Then again i suppose if i were about to go live in the states i would still always love my home town and wouldnt be averse to saying so, wouldnt stop me from leaving if i got offered a great job i suppose.

See this is why i want it over lol
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New member
Like I said this seemed like a scheme by his dad to get him more exposure on the field and more moola along with it. Maybe he did get an offer for a new contract and promise of more field time.
I hope his picture really means he wants to stay. It would be a sad day for our club if he leaves.


New member
United gets owned in most of their other attempts to sign these young talents lately. Let's not be the ones to let them off the hook.


World Champion
Tw Rio Fedinand (Man United): "Iniesta aka the Manipulator is too much! Talks to the ball! "Come ere you"!!" [@rioferdy5]

Does this mean they are trying to get Iniesta now? :lol:


Senior Member
Tw Rio Fedinand (Man United): "Iniesta aka the Manipulator is too much! Talks to the ball! "Come ere you"!!" [@rioferdy5]

Does this mean they are trying to get Iniesta now? :lol:

Not really . He has been an admirer of the team in the last 2-3 seasons always twitting how good Barca or some of the Barca players really are.


Senior Member
When the rumours of him leaving started , he had around 350 pages in his thread. Now he is going to surpass Messi's thread :lol: .
Havnt MD been one of the leading papers in the whole 'Thiagos leaving' bandwagon? theyve been saying for a month hes off and that the club new hed chose United?

I agree with you that they all post crap, throw enough crap at a wall and some sticks, the scatter-gun approach, if he does renew this whole game time thing would seem to have been a lie as nothings changed personnel wise at the club, wouldn't look great amongst the fans, sounds similar to Rooney holding the club to ransom for a pay rise IF its true.

Well, you do have to give them credit for announcing Thiago wanted to leave when most people would have never thought about it. MD and sport ( but specially MD) were among the first ones to announce this saga.

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