Thiago Translantara


Wild Man of Borneo
Barca had no option but to sell b.c of the clause and b.c the player wants to go to Bayern and leave Barca.
Even if there was no clause like that, do people really think he's worth more than 30-35?

He would be worth around 30-35m if we were actually looking to sell him (had the clause not existed). However why put a price tag on a player that you'd obviously want to keep under normal circumstances.


Senior Member
He is inconsistent and rarely ever fit so "phenomenal" is far from the word to describe him. Like it or not, fitness is a big factor in how you can judge a player's reliability and output for the team, so it's easy to say that Bayern have been fine without him and he isn't a necessity to the team, let alone "phenomenal".

Yeah just ignore him against Barca and in the CL final and point to the games he missed through injury.

That makes sense.


New member
@barcastuff: Bayern explain that they pay 20M of Thiago's 25M transfer fee. The rest comes from the friendly game and from Thiago accepting lower salary.

If this is true it wasn't about money at all...
Yeah, it solely seems to be down to playing-time. I'm so pissed at our whole management right now (mainly Zubi for not telling Tito about the clause).

Still, I fail to see how he will get more playing-time at Bayern, unless Pep reverts to a 3-4-3 of course.


High Definition Member
You very much resemble an Arsenal fan from 2011 at this time. Or fan of any team who Barcelona have beaten for that matter.

You've got it mixed up. I don't give a shit about bayern being better than us, that's fair and square. I care about shoving it up pep and thiagos ass for trying to jump ship to what they see as greener fields elsewhere.


Wild Man of Borneo
Yeah just ignore him against Barca and in the CL final and point to the games he missed through injury.

That makes sense.

You're literally pointing towards 3 games where he was vital and clutch, ignoring the fact that for season's past he was "Choker Robben". He was key in those games, but "phenomenal" is way too strong of a word for such a small sample space.

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