Thiago Translantara


Calma, calma
"It's Thiago, or no one." "He can play three, four, five different positions." "I need his qualities in midfield, I believe he is good for us."

Doesn't sound like Pep brought him in to ride the bench, and this attitude that he couldn't possibly perform better than even one of Kroos, Mueller, Schweini, Gotze is madness, and nevermind the fact that injuries do happen so he's very likely to get good minutes. Having a great season like Bayern have just done is not near as difficult as following it up with another, the whole footballing world looks at them differently now, even really good times in Europe will focus quite a bit on not conceding and scoring the occasional counter. It's something Thiago may well be more familiar with than at least half the Bayern players, if not all of 'em. Anyways Pep has a lot of really good, really versatile players and it should be interesting.

Word. He'll play as much in Bayern as he would have at Barcelona, except with a coach who he likes.


Active member
Oh and




Active member
Personally I wanted Thiago+Neymar, but that will never happen so Gotze+Thiago will do :)

Although Messi+Neymar will be the ones for the record books


New member
Word. He'll play as much in Bayern as he would have at Barcelona, except with a coach who he likes.

And a coach that can make him one of the best players in the world(not saying Tata is clueless with youngsters but Tito...well,he was clueless with youngsters)


Improvin' Perfection!!
Maybe he did his practices in training session and still Tito wouldn't be convinced.From the moment he overplayed Xavi and in times when clearly he was off form and tired,he used Fabregas in that position when clearly he doesn't work there whats the excuse of not playing him and make him feel important for the team.Apparently if Tito was still here and Thiago too he might gave his everything but clearly Fabregas is valued more in central midfild position even if its not his position.So whats the point of staying when Iniesta won't be benched anytime soon and Fabregas is purposed to take Xavi's position.Both of them could not stay here and as i have said many times Cesc's transfer automatically would block his developement.If you ask me,when he says he didn't feel valued i bet its more from Tito more than the others.And you can't deny the fact that he started important games when Pep was still here like Super cup in Bernabeu against Madrid,against Milan in CL,against Real in camp nou that was an important game for who will win the leauge.You can show me numbers that Thiago got more playing time than he did in 11-12 season but it doesn't really matter,time can be collected from meaningless games too,its the importance of the matches that mattered the most so he didn't feel valued.
I'm telling you I give zero credibility to Thiago.... That son ova bitch felt the same when Pep was still here two seasons ago... And suddenly he is now the manager that appreciates him the most!!

I would love to know why he felt he needed that stupid clause when Pep was the incharge here, he just won the CL and no body knew he was planning his way out, and more importantly it was Pep's brother that's his agent!!

Tito might be unexperienced and a rookie and he might have his flaws... But he is not a moron!! If he felt Thiago deserved a spot, he would surely have given him his chance. Or may be, the board was too fed up with the spoiled brat's tantrums!!

Allbeit... Tito doesn't value him and opines Fabregas is better than him. But isn't it Pep who signed Fabregas!? Why did he feel the need to sign him when he values Thiago so much!?

It's all a stupid plot involving Thiago, his father, Pep and his stupid brother... On day 1, his father anounces how his kid was close to moving to Utd(you know because his son needs playing time, WC and stuff) and on the day 2 the doofus son anounces how there was never any contact with Utd, it's always been Pep!!
I so hope the bridges are burnt for pep
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Senior Member
Does anyone think Laporta has a good chance for the spot in 2014?

More people should be upset with the board...I certainly am bc like Jaden said, I was hoping to see the Neymar-Thiago swag show. :(

:rosell: how does this clown get to call the shots? Man is driving away everything this club was about, and selling top talents due to poor contract management is ludicrous.

It makes me sick to see him in a Bayern jersey

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