Thiago Translantara


Culé de Celestial Empire
But the answer is no. Barça goals are not that shallow. The goal is not to beat the best team, is to be the best one. To win everything, play the best possible, no matters the opponent.
Why should a team like FC Barcelona obsess on bayern?

Sigh... Flavia... What do I do with you? ;)

It is NOT about Bayern. I might have made it sound like that I am obsessed with beating Bayern. It is not. It is about us. You said our goal should be becoming the best in the world. I absolutely agree. But how can we become the best without beating the best in the world? There can only be one king at a time. Bayern set the bar high. We are not going to be the best until we convincingly beat them.

And again, it is not about Bayern. If the best team in the world right now is BVB, then we should focus on beating them (and certainly not just them, other teams too). Replace "Bayern" with any other team, the same attitude applies.


Sigh... Flavia... What do I do with you? ;)

It is NOT about Bayern. I might have made it sound like that I am obsessed with beating Bayern. It is not. It is about us. You said our goal should be becoming the best in the world. I absolutely agree. But how can we become the best without beating the best in the world? There can only be one king at a time. Bayern set the bar high. We are not going to be the best until we convincingly beat them.

And again, it is not about Bayern. If the best team in the world right now is BVB, then we should focus on beating them (and certainly not just them, other teams too). Replace "Bayern" with any other team, the same attitude applies.
Nope. Your perspective is still wrong. Beating the "best" team doesn't make the other team the best. Even convincingly. It'd still be just one game. Barça should not focus on beating team x or y, but on competing the best way possible, and winning the most games and titles possible.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Nope. Your perspective is still wrong. Beating the "best" team doesn't make the other team the best. Even convincingly. It'd still be just one game. Barça should not focus on beating team x or y, but on competing the best way possible, and winning the most games and titles possible.

Ha. In that case how do you measure "the best" then? What is the "best way" and how is it measured? I certainly agree with you on winning most games and titles. But say if we won most of the games and titles and lost only one game, the most important game on the planet in my opinion, the CL Final to Bayern/RM/BVB/whatever team, can we be called the best??

And is there such a thing as "wrong perspective" by the way? Isn't everything subjective?


Ha. In that case how do you measure "the best" then? What is the "best way" and how is it measured? I certainly agree with you on winning most games and titles. But say if we won most of the games and titles and lost only one game, the most important game on the planet in my opinion, the CL Final to Bayern/RM/BVB/whatever team, can we be called the best??

And is there such a thing as "wrong perspective" by the way? Isn't everything subjective?
I think you're too obsessed with being "the best".


Improvin' Perfection!!
Please let me explain rivalry and football tribalism to you...

It is perfectly okay to hate on Thiago and Pep (within reason) as they were formally associated with our club and have now joined one of our biggest and most hated rivals.

My hatred towards them does not mean I do not respect their abilities and what they have given to our club. It is based on the fact that they have both turned their backs on our beautiful club to go to an inferior one that does not deserve their services.

As far as Thiago goes, I was desperately disappointed that he left as I believed he would have had a great future at Barca and with the loyalty and support we had shown him, this would have been the best place for him to develop and further his career. It turns out that Thiago has no loyalty to anyone, but himself. Some may say, who can blame him for wanting the best for his career. But do you really believe that moving to Bayern was the best for his career? I don't!

And for Pepe, he will ALWAYS be a Barca legend, even though I dislike the way he has behaved regarding "his friend" Tito and tapping up Thiago when he stated he would leave our players alone.

Football is an emotive subject and we all have a deep and sometimes irrational relationship with our clubs. That's what makes it SO special, because we care SO much.

The great Liverpool manager Bill Shankly once said: "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." I don't agree with this statement, but he was not far off.

This is football, like it or hate it. :peace:


Improvin' Perfection!!
I don't get how Bayern somehow got stuck with the title of "German Real Madrid". They share some qualities with them (arrogant players, vast wealth) but other than that they really are more similar to us in terms of possession and technical football. Dortmund on the other hand are similar to Madrid as per counterattacking style and great physical qualities, yet draw comparisons with us for their humbleness and youth.
Well, no body hates them because of their game style (I am talking about Real here)... It's about their attitude!!
Samegoes with Bayern. It's the same reason that they attract a lot of hate

The same way, no body likes BVB because of their game style, at least not the majority of them, it's because they really resemble Robin Hood!!
They aren't compared to Barca because of their style, but because of their strategy to develop players themselves, and fight against the cash-rich Bayern!! Who, as I said, resemble Real by bullying other smaller clubs for their talented players and try to impose their superiority on other football clubs using primarily their financial muscle!!
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Being dominant against good teams makes you the best team in the world. Right now that's Bayern considering they were on a 15+ game winning streak, won the league in record fashion, won the CL the most important trophy..


High Definition Member
You can hate whoever you want. I for example hate Inter, so it's ok for him to hate Bayern. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best. You want to win trophies right?


High Definition Member
But the answer is no. Barça goals are not that shallow. The goal is not to beat the best team, is to be the best one. To win everything, play the best possible, no matters the opponent.
Why should a team like FC Barcelona obsess on bayern?

Well what is the goal then? Go trophyless?


New member
If someone wants to hate bayern, let them. It's their prerogative. I dont see whats wrong with it. I hate them too just like i hate ManUre and Inter. So what?
Of course, you wish for your club to be the best. Do you think we fans just sit there and wish to be 3rd best or 4th best when we can be numer one? Dont you think we get extreme satisfaction when we beat the best teams in great fashion? We want to win the most prestigious titles and competes for them? Only the best.
You guys argue about the most obvious things.
Bayern right now is the best and we want barca to be the best so we've got to beat them. You gotta be ambitious in life. Obsession has nothing to do with it.
PS: the only teams i hate more than bayern are real madrid and ManU. Now that they humiliated us i hate them even more. I cant wait for the day we get revenge.
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Well what is the goal then? Go trophyless?
Yeah. The goal should be returning to gaspart's era form :facepalm:

Nope. Your perspective is still wrong. Beating the "best" team doesn't make the other team the best. Even convincingly. It'd still be just one game. Barça should not focus on beating team x or y, but on competing the best way possible, and winning the most games and titles possible.


High Definition Member
Obviously if we win the Champions League we are the best even if we didn't face Bayern. The likely scenario is that we will have to play them though as they are the best right now. So it's normal to look at them, see their weak points, wish them badly etc so we will have an easier job if we played them.

We do this in La Liga for Real so why can't we do it in the Champions League for Bayern?


Senior Member
Well, no body hates them because of their game style (I am talking about Real here)... It's about their attitude!!
Samegoes with Bayern. It's the same reason that they attract a lot of hate

The same way, no body likes BVB because of their game style, at least not the majority of them, it's because they really resemble Robin Hood!!
They aren't compared to Barca because of their style, but because of their strategy to develop players themselves, and fight against the cash-rich Bayern!! Who, as I said, resemble Real by bullying other smaller clubs for their talented players and try to impose their superiority on other football clubs using primarily their financial muscle!!

Bayern loaned Dortmund at least 2 million Euro in 2003, so that Dortmund can make an ad-hoc payment to avoid bankruptcy. Without this payment, it would have been lights-out in Dortmund. I'm the last one to defend the Bayern-way but facts are facts.


New member
I honestly think this Bayern-hate is almost as sad as the hate Arsenal fans & Italian football fans have for us. People are way to obsessed with them. They are not some holy team and aren't the devil either. I am just happy the sextuple is still ours :)) haha

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