Thiago Translantara


Culé de Celestial Empire
I would take him back if he shows he can control games consistently. Hopefully the fact he isn't German will help a few seasons down the road (they prefer their local talents over him)

Why would they sell him back to us, unless he turns out to be a huge flop for them, which means we wouldn't want him back anyway?


High Definition Member
They have kroos gotze and might buy draxler and some others. Hopefully thiago can develop and still be surplus to requirements somehow?


New member
Why would they sell him back to us, unless he turns out to be a huge flop for them, which means we wouldn't want him back anyway?

Cesc comes to mind a lot. I think theres a certain amount of pride in being a La Masia graduate that actually becomes a real member of Barcelona, if he too has that pride with enough money we can probably buy him back although I hope rafinha comes good and we wont have to bother.


Wild Man of Borneo
I don't see it happening under current circumstances, but anything can change. We lost a great talent, but I'd say the only suffering we have is short term since we have no one to rotate with Xavi. In the long term, there are many talented midfielders rising up and ready to make their mark. I hope Thiago is a success in the NT soon.


Senior Member
The best chance of him coming back is that he goes elsewhere proves himself and comes back as an undisputed starter.

That and him maybe wanting to play in same team as his brother in the future.

Barca will be fine with or without him.


New member
It's so sad that he left us. We should have kept him by all means necessary. I'm watching a lot of Bayern games and he's getting better and better every game. Such a Beast.


Culé de Celestial Empire
It's so sad that he left us. We should have kept him by all means necessary. I'm watching a lot of Bayern games and he's getting better and better every game. Such a Beast.

It is useless to cry river over his departure. His brother is better, we have got the better Alcantara. :)


Senior Member
F**K everything. from Zubi, the board, tito, you name it. Oh and now we looking into buying gundogan. for whom i'm sure will not cost less than 30 mil. Oh yea F**K faus too who said, selling thiago for 25 mil was a good operation for someone who was not a starter. Maybe we should've sold messi to juventus when he was a sub for guily too.


Rafinha shines in a mid-table team, Thiago in the best team in the world. Ask yourself where is harder to make an impact - surrounded by average players or by world class ones


New member
Rafinha shines in a mid-table team, Thiago in the best team in the world. Ask yourself where is harder to make an impact - surrounded by average players or by world class ones

depends on how you look at it, Rafinha is good and might just look better cause he's surrounded by lesser players but that means he has to do everything himself. Thiago has some of the best players around him so he can relax and just play his game and let the others around him pull up any slack.


New member
F**K everything. from Zubi, the board, tito, you name it. Oh and now we looking into buying gundogan. for whom i'm sure will not cost less than 30 mil. Oh yea F**K faus too who said, selling thiago for 25 mil was a good operation for someone who was not a starter. Maybe we should've sold messi to juventus when he was a sub for guily too.

I love Thiago but I think Gündogan would be the better fit if he were to overcome his back problems.

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