Thiago Translantara


President of FC Barcelona
Not watching the match, but Xavi in his prime was too good, just too good. Too good for words really.


Senior Member
been watching since the second half, he is really blossoming into the player i said he would be all those years ago.

Damn TITO and Rosell

Commentator has been gushing over him


Senior Member
You don't know that, neither do I, but it's very likely, IMO. I don't care about what you think, you've been hating on the little God for months.

Haha 'little god'.

In what way have been hating on him? Comparing his performance tonight to a 'prime Xavi' is beyond absurd and deluded.


Thiago let Barca down, they had given him everything, and he said godbye like it didnt matter at all. I didnt like peps involvment either, he should have stood out of it and let United Get him. Out of respect for Barca. Fantastic player though, never appreciated fully, sadly. For xavi was already declining while he was in the club.


Wild Man of Borneo
Prime Xavi is a huge exaggeration, but he's having a very fine game. Not the best midfielder on the pitch because of the Don, but definitely one of Spain's better players over the night. Probably near Iniesta/Pedro considering that they subbed off earlier, and definitely top 3.

He's completed 95% of his passes and is listed as being dispossessed 0 times (though I think it happened once or twice in very tight dribbling situations) so he's not been sloppy. If there was a time, it was that 8 minute spell in which the team had a lapse in focus and Italy had a few good chances. Other than that, not at all. Smart ball movement and played with real confidence among the big boys and had moments of his own with some throughballs to Silva and slick linkup. He was good defensively as well such as when he made a tackle then started a move which Silva failed to finish, and another time where he was pressuring only to get body slammed by Alonso.

All in all, a great showing from him and really solidifying a selection into the WC squad.


New member
Thiago let Barca down, they had given him everything, and he said godbye like it didnt matter at all. I didnt like peps involvment either, he should have stood out of it and let United Get him. Out of respect for Barca. Fantastic player though, never appreciated fully, sadly. For xavi was already declining while he was in the club.

Let United have him? No way in hell. He would get destroyed in that horrible team. He didn't let Barca down, Barca let him down.


Senior Member
He had a good game and is clearly going to the world cup but prime Xavi he is not.

The stats on whoscored are clearly wrong as there was a spell in the first half he was sloppy and gave away lost ball a few times.

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