Thomas Muller


New member
I don't get it...


previously known as Jonathan28
I fail to see a problem in what Muller is doing, probably because I would do the same thing, but I see nothing bad in it. Haven't you guys ever made jokes about things you got away with on the pitch? I cannot be the only one on this forum who has done this.


New member
Ah screw this, I don't care about our odds anymore, I want them knocked out.
My prediction is now 6-1
And i'll be cheering like a maniac!!!!


You have no idea how many footballers do this, even our players have, it's just more noticeable when you lose :lol:

It doesn't matter. It was a foul, and it should've been called. As their offside goal, the foul on alves on the 1st goal. And the penaltys they didn't get. Still, with all calls right, the score wouldn't be 4-0, really bad refeereing.

Mr Hulot

New member
I fail to see a problem in what Muller is doing, probably because I would do the same thing, but I see nothing bad in it. Haven't you guys ever made jokes about things you got away with on the pitch? I cannot be the only one on this forum who has done this.

The fact that he did it make him a cynical basterd, but for someone like you, that is acceptable and i can understand you,even if I don't agree. But the fact that he is bragging about it, while he is still on the pitch, makes him a complete asshole...


The Messiah
This seasons refereeing in the CL has been absolutely putrid. Just the fact that Alba is small guy is enough for that to be a foul. If he did this to a Puyol or Kompany it would make at least an iota of sense.


Wild Man of Borneo
Look it's not a completely horrible thing, but it's not a fair thing either. Every person has a different definition for what is "acceptable" and I'd personally say that this is a foul that should've been called, but it doesn't make him a complete bastard for doing it. Laughing about it right after the game in public was a dick move though. He had bad intent going into it.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
I never said our players our saints either...

I hate that argument, btw. This player did something bad, oh, well so did your guy, I guess that makes it OK? No it doesn't, I never said it was OK for Barca players to do that. The difference is, he's bragging on the pitch about it. Small difference, I know, but it goes from trying to exploit the rules in your favor to being a complete douchebag.

Although I don't remember our players doing this...
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