Thomas Muller


Senior Member
No, I genuinely wonder. What kind of car does he drive compare to other footballers, stars etc. since he is lauded as some sort of down to earth, no bling-bling person?

Checked the itnernet and it is apparently an Audi S5 (at least it was 2010). Apparently he drives the cars that they get from Audi every 1 or 2 years as part of their sponsorship deal with Bayern.

EDIT: Its an Audi RS6 Avant this year
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Previously known as Mehssi
If you speak your mind too freely you rub some people the wrong way, and the ones who agree with you (in this case BM/Germany fans) will adore you for that because they agree with you (you being Muller), but all the others that sympathize with the ones you mock or tease (messi being just an example) will be irritated or even worst, really affected, that's just inevitable.

I for one was heartbroken when Messi didn't win the world cup, I can't control that, I wanted it so bad for the little guy, those comments (true or not, that's not the point, knowing him it's something he could say/do) from Muller really hurt me as they came on top on an open wound, yet, all germans will find it very funny or amusing because he's on their side.

The problem is, Muller himself can handle the heat and probably don't care at all, that's how he is, but people that are fan of his, like you guys, come and DEMAND, that the other people that were hurt by his comments or behaviour respect him, and DO NOT speak their minds freely about him.

So from where I stand, if you like his mocking and him running his big mouth, be ok with our big mouths running against him when we felt like shit for something he said/did.

That's all.


Culé de Celestial Empire
yes but I am not so sure about why that is. I assume that what he says can lead to false assumptions when it is written down and translated, rather than watched on live tv.
I think you have to be german to understand his persona. Its about the way he looks, smiles and the gestures he makes during these interviews that make a huge difference. But when you read the interviews then you will only see the words, you will read it with a serious voice, and throw it somehow out of context. That's why he's popular among german people, and disliked by others.
Its like me and my best buddy, he'd be teasing me for something, i laugh and say "son of a bitch" and its all fun and games.
But if someone wrote about it like "he then called his best friend a son of a bitch", then everyone reading that would be like WTF.

Yeah, I totally get what you said, it is certainly a possibility and I don't think it is only a German thing.

Oh well, I guess we will have to settle for what each of us believes then. :p


Culé de Celestial Empire
Checked the itnernet and it is apparently an Audi S5 (at least it was 2010). Apparently he drives the cars that they get from Audi every 1 or 2 years as part of their sponsorship deal with Bayern.

EDIT: Its an Audi RS6 Avant this year

Danke schoen!


New member
If you speak your mind too freely you rub some people the wrong way, and the ones who agree with you (in this case BM/Germany fans) will adore you for that because they agree with you (you being Muller), but all the others that sympathize with the ones you mock or tease (messi being just an example) will be irritated or even worst, really affected, that's just inevitable.

I for one was heartbroken when Messi didn't win the world cup, I can't control that, I wanted it so bad for the little guy, those comments (true or not, that's not the point, knowing him it's something he could say/do) from Muller really hurt me as they came on top on an open wound, yet, all germans will find it very funny or amusing because he's on their side.

The problem is, Muller himself can handle the heat and probably don't care at all, that's how he is, but people that are fan of his, like you guys, come and DEMAND, that the other people that were hurt by his comments or behaviour respect him, and DO NOT speak their minds freely about him.

So from where I stand, if you like his mocking and him running his big mouth, be ok with our big mouths running against him when we felt like shit for something he said/did.

That's all.

The thing is he didn't even mock Messi in that interview. He jokingly answered a question of a reporter in Bavarian. It wouldn't make sense for me to translate it verbatim, as you'd have to understand the subtle nuances and tone in that speech, as you have to in everyday speech. He basically said that he doesn't care about the Golden Boot, but is happy that they won the World Cup. It was nothing against Messi.

Like I've already said, I get it that people dislike him for some of his antics on the field. For what it's worth, a lot of Germans also find him annoying. He's a controversial person, not everybody's darling. I for one think he's a breath of fresh air on and off the field.


So do we have someone to counter his thugness on the pitch? Don't want to see any of those basketball screens. We need to be rough with rough players. Maybe masch should tackle the shit out of him.


New member
His playing style is actually pretty similar to Luis Enrique's. I'm pretty sure our coach adores him :).


I'm pretty sure our coach adores him :).
Obviously. He's got a shrine in his house with Muller's picture everywhere and candles lighting up the place. He prays there for 10 mins before going to bed, every day.

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