Toni Kroos

A signing bonus for a player of that caliber is around 5 to 10 mio., not fucking 40 to his fucking dad you never did a think but impregnate some girl with said player.
Other than Neymar's marketing potential in Brazil (Not sure how many Brazilians actually buy legit shirts, but whatevs), I don't see how 57 or 86 mio. are a great deal when said player has one year remaining in his current contract.

Yeah, I don't get why we had to pay 40m to his dad. Did he own part of Neymar's transfer rights or something?

But 57M for Neymar wasn't that bad a price considering the inflated market. Certainly not as bad as it would have been a few years ago, when it would have been absolutely ridiculous.
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It's been discussed 39 times last year, if you really want to get into it again you can always look it up.

Ryu Hayabusa

How much do you think Madrid, City & Bayern offered him? You're a bit naive if you thought Neymar would go for less than 57M even though he only had 1 year left. Freaking Toni Kroos went for 30.

Kroos for 30 is absolutely what one would expect.
If Lewandowski would had moved to Bayern last season, the selling price would have been 30 mio. as well.
Kroos is a CL winner and WC winner and even a tad younger and ableit of a different position he's still of the same calibre.

neymar in turn didn't prove anything. He was just a popular face and was the best player in the shitty Brazilian league as well as the best player in an average national team, while excelling in the Confetti cup, a cup nobody in Europe ever gave a single crap about while also having the home advantage (climate!).

If you compare these facts, I have no idea how 57 mio. are supposedely a great deal. 17 would indeed have been a freat deal.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Although as a Madridista this is a huge compliment but from a principles point of view I don't like it. However, I truly believe that this is an answer to a carefully crafted question, a Spanish dig at our German rivals.
lol Even Alcuntara showed more class despite being cut from the same traitor cloth.


The two don't even compare.

Thiago left because he wanted more playing time and better treatment (which he had every right to want, given how he was treated in his last season). Tbh, I find it disgusting that any Barca fan calls him a traitor. Kroos left a club where he was more or less a starter because he wanted a ridiculous paycheck, and then basically insulted his old club to boot.
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World Champion
How do they not compare? One is a traitor who left his club and the other is a traitor who left his club.
But you do agree with me that they are both traitors, right? They both betrayed FCB with Catalan coaches to boot. That's unacceptable.

How the fuck is Thiago a traitor? For wanting better treatment and more playing time, which he had every right to want?

As I said, Barca fans calling him a traitor is simply disgusting.


But you do agree with me that they are both traitors, right? They both betrayed FCB with Catalan coaches to boot. That's unacceptable.



How was Thiago a traitor? For wanting better treatment and more playing time, which he had every right to want?

As I said, Barca fans calling him a traitor is simply disgusting.

I think he would have played more had it not been for his pesky injuries that seem to get him every 3-4 weeks. In addition, a lot of the forum users have said that Thiago's minimum appearances clause would have been filled had he played just a few more games. I remember seeing some rumors that the clause would not have been filled even if Tito had played Thiago in the last matches of the season because there was a required number of minutes before the appearance would count towards filling the quota. Not to mention that there were other rumors that Tito did not know about the appearance clause in Thiago's contract.
By betraying his club like Kroos. Don't you agree?

How is leaving a club where you got treated like crap for more playing time and better treatment at a club in another league "betrayal"?

>Thiago gets treated like crap, continuously getting benched in favor of an injured Xavi and out of form Cesc
>Thiago gets unhappy
>The club makes no attempt whatsoever to keep him
>Thiago leaves to a club in another league for better treatment/more playing time
>"Thiago betrayed the club"

Dat logic :rofl1:
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