Transfers and Rumours - old thread


New member
Diego Lopez fulfilled his dream of being Real Madrid #1 GK choice, even for a brief 6 months. Can't see him staying if Mou goes away because Casillias will be a starter again with every coach but Mourinho and Lopez won't accept warming the bench again after this excellent run of games.


Cardenal de Catalunya
Diego Lopez fulfilled his dream of being Real Madrid #1 GK choice, even for a brief 6 months. Can't see him staying if Mou goes away because Casillias will be a starter again with every coach but Mourinho and Lopez won't accept warming the bench again after this excellent run of games.

Even so, being a Castilla player he would most likely not accept a role at Barça. In addition to that, he still has 4 years left of his contract, which in turn could make Madrid raise the tentative fee closer to 25m.

I just don't see him at Barca.


1) Sell Sanchez
2) Buy Ageuro or Suarez or Neymar

3) Sell Tello
4) Promote Deulofeu

5) Keep Villa for depth
6) Sell players on loan

7) NO to Thiago Silva!!!! Buy Hummels
8) Buy another CB for depth

9) New goalie if Valdes doesn't extend
10) New coach please!


Senior Member
I say that with relative ease while taking into consideration all of the possible RW / #9 hybrids out there and the fact that none of them will ever come cheap.

You not only have to look at long-term solutions but also the market itself to see that selling Sanchez with only Deulofeu / Pedro on the right would hardly improve the team but make it weaker.

It's all about solidifying the right areas and making the Swiss clock, that is the Barça-machine, work in an immaculate fashion. It is also about supporting your players while they are still here, despite of some seeing them dead-weight and not worthy of consideration on any level. Further, instead of seeing the endless hopelessness some do, I see plenty of possibilities of utilising Sanchez the following season, given certain areas will be strengthened and the formation will revert back to its dynamic and fluid self.

Seriously man ,Sanchez is just awful ,he shouldn't wear Barca shirt once the season is over ,I would prefer getting Cuenca back over having Sanchez
And he is the biggest asset we can sell from financial point of view ,we need to sell him to be able to make other deals ,if he stayed one more year and was still awful ,his price will take serious hit
It is time to cut our loses already


Cardenal de Catalunya
Seriously man ,Sanchez is just awful ,he shouldn't wear Barca shirt once the season is over ,I would prefer getting Cuenca back over having Sanchez
And he is the biggest asset we can sell from financial point of view ,we need to sell him to be able to make other deals ,if he stayed one more year and was still awful ,his price will take serious hit
It is time to cut our loses already

All I see is a whole lot of accusations flying around (partly true, nonetheless) without any potential (meaning, REAL) options presented. Luckily for our team, none of you decide over its future.

What comes to Cuenca, he has already said that he'll stay in Amsterdam for another season due to his personal preference over his development.

Edit: It seems a lot of folks are on a SM / FM streak quickly replacing every single forward bar Messi with the latest flavour of the month, without taking into consideration the genuine impediments behind such policies in the long-run.
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1) Sell Sanchez
2) Buy Ageuro or Suarez or Neymar

3) Sell Tello
4) Promote Deulofeu

5) Keep Villa for depth
6) Sell players on loan

7) NO to Thiago Silva!!!! Buy Hummels
8) Buy another CB for depth

9) New goalie if Valdes doesn't extend
10) New coach please!
Whats the sense in selling Tello and keeping Villa? Man I don't get it!


Senior Member
All I see is a whole lot of accusations flying around (partly true, nonetheless) without any potential (meaning, REAL) options presented. Luckily for our team, none of you decide over its future.

What comes to Cuenca, he has already said that he'll stay in Amsterdam for another season due to his personal preference over his development.

Edit: It seems a lot of folks are on a SM / FM streak quickly replacing every single forward bar Messi with the latest flavour of the month, without taking into consideration the genuine impediments behind such policies in the long-run.

The only forward I want to sell is Alexis ,may be Villa if he wants to leave ,but Alexis isn't good
And you are actually the one who isn't thinking about the long run if Alexis stays ,his price will decrease if he continued
We need the money for other transfers ,the right side will be fine with Pedro ,Deulofeu ,and even Tello ,as all can comfortably play that position
Alexis isn't providing something we would miss if he leaves anyway
On the other hand ,how would you suggest we find the money to sign the players we need? we need to sell to but quality players ,we have 50M + the money we get from sales ,40M are already going for Neymar
So ,please genius ,tell me again how can we improve the team on the long run with players we need more w/o selling Alexis and even some other players
And yeah ,I admit that we are lucky that fans like us are not running the club ,but luckily every single report suggest Alexis is almost gone and on his way back to Italy


Cardenal de Catalunya
The only forward I want to sell is Alexis ,may be Villa if he wants to leave ,but Alexis isn't good
And you are actually the one who isn't thinking about the long run if Alexis stays ,his price will decrease if he continued
We need the money for other transfers ,the right side will be fine with Pedro ,Deulofeu ,and even Tello ,as all can comfortably play that position
Alexis isn't providing something we would miss if he leaves anyway
On the other hand ,how would you suggest we find the money to sign the players we need? we need to sell to but quality players ,we have 50M + the money we get from sales ,40M are already going for Neymar
So ,please genius ,tell me again how can we improve the team on the long run with players we need more w/o selling Alexis and even some other players
And yeah ,I admit that we are lucky that fans like us are not running the club ,but luckily every single report suggest Alexis is almost gone and on his way back to Italy

The issue here is following: Villa will most likely leave whether we like it or not. I sincerely believe that he still has enough desire in him to play as a starter instead of warming the bench. I can see him leaving.

What comes to selling Alexis now - I do understand where you come from in terms of his price possibly decreasing further if he will be kept on. In that sense, it would indeed make sense of cashing on him now than in, say, year's time. However, the issue I have with this is that we somehow expect Deulofeu hit the ground running from the get-go and there's no guarantee his first season of integration will be a smooth ride in terms of added value + end product.

Pedro is more or less an equivalent to Alexis here, and IF he'll get his motor humming again the same way he did a few years back, I don't see any reasons for us not to sell Alexis. However, it is once again a huge IF and Pedro has been incredibly passive over the past few years, so the signs aren't overly promising. In addition to this, there is no visible added value here.

Tello on the right, on the other hand, seems quite a plausible option given he has had an equally productive time on both flanks. Kudos for bringing him up, as I've actually completely forgotten his contribution over the right side.

However, despite of having Tello and Pedro who can both play on both sides of the pitch, losing two forwards will most likely end up hurting us more than it will do us any good. Yes, there's a possibility of adding both Neymar and Deulofeu to the roster, but having those two for Villa & Alexis will not necessarily add up. These, of course, are my personal opinions and I may as well be wrong on Deulofeu's impact. However, given the fact that some of the players mentioned over Alexis are widely inconsistent and relatively inexperienced hardly adds any force to your argument.

Besides, shouldn't we be striving to replace Alexis with a proven player given he leaves? In addition to that, back to my initial question, what other relatively cheap hybrid 9 / RW's are there on the market at the moment?


Senior Member
The issue here is following: Villa will most likely leave whether we like it or not. I sincerely believe that he still has enough desire in him to play as a starter instead of warming the bench. I can see him leaving.

What comes to selling Alexis now - I do understand where you come from in terms of his price possibly decreasing further if he will be kept on. In that sense, it would indeed make sense of cashing on him now than in, say, year's time. However, the issue I have with this is that we somehow expect Deulofeu hit the ground running from the get-go and there's no guarantee his first season of integration will be a smooth ride in terms of added value + end product.

Pedro is more or less an equivalent to Alexis here, and IF he'll get his motor humming again the same way he did a few years back, I don't see any reasons for us not to sell Alexis. However, it is once again a huge IF and Pedro has been incredibly passive over the past few years, so the signs aren't overly promising. In addition to this, there is no visible added value here.

Tello on the right, on the other hand, seems quite a plausible option given he has had an equally productive time on both flanks. Kudos for bringing him up, as I've actually completely forgotten his contribution over the right side.

However, despite of having Tello and Pedro who can both play on both sides of the pitch, losing two forwards will most likely end up hurting us more than it will do us any good. Yes, there's a possibility of adding both Neymar and Deulofeu to the roster, but having those two for Villa & Alexis will not necessarily add up. These, of course, are my personal opinions and I may as well be wrong on Deulofeu's impact. However, given the fact that some of the players mentioned over Alexis are widely inconsistent and relatively inexperienced hardly adds any force to your argument.

Besides, shouldn't we be striving to replace Alexis with a proven player given he leaves? In addition to that, back to my initial question, what other relatively cheap hybrid 9 / RW's are there on the market at the moment?

His price will get cheaper b/c he had somewhat a good (or not bad) season last year , and it is just this year that he has been really bad ,with his age and his former brilliant play he would still be able to bring us some cash
but one more awful year ,and the price would take serious hit ,remember the offers we got for R10 in 2007 when he just had what was supposed to be one bad year? and after just another ,we had to sell him with less than we could in 2007
Also we won't be able to convince teams that we would retain him if no good offer is coming ,they will knew we will just be getting rid of him and we will lose some leverage
That is what happens in the market , when you are a buyer one bad season isn't huge issue ,2 is a one
That is why I think it is a must sell now ,cut our loses and don't take the risk ,Sanchez might be a good player but not for us
As for replacement ,I stand to my point that it is with in the team tbh,Neymar would probably take the left side leaving all of Tello,Deulofeu & Pedro fighting for the right side ,looks enough
,I know there isn't a lot of options there in the market ,may be Christian Eriksen .but AI think for the bigger picture Sanchez needs to leave
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New member
I don't understand why everyone ignores the fact that right footed players are useless on the right wing when it comes to scoring. Villa, Pedro, Sanchez, Tello, Neymar and Deulofeu are all right footed players. And every single one of them plays better on the left. Villa and Pedro are the only ones who make any sense on the right, since they both shoot almost equally as well with their left. Sanchez can't score either way so it doesn't matter. Tello fighting for a spot on the right would be useless, since he can't play there anyway. Probably the same with Deulofeu, although I'm not as familiar with him so I might be wrong. If we really wanted to improve our attack, we'd buy one lefty for the right (there's no good ones except for Robben, Bale and DiMaria, though) and one righty for the left (under the assumption that Villa is leaving, as well). Neymar and Tello on the left, Pedro and whichever lefty on the right. Anything else would not be an improvement to our lack of goal threats up front.


Senior Member
I still dont get why ppl keep on suggesting that we keep Pedro and sell Alexis's ass. They both offer squat.


Lamela would be great for the RW. He's been playing there for Roma for 2 years and has a beautiful curling shot ability with his left foot. Neymar and Tello for the LW and Lamela and Pedro for the RW looks just good to me. Even though I think Lamela still needs to mature in his game. And adjust his behaviour too.


Best midfielder around
Tello and Neymar for LW and Lamela and Deulofeu for RW sounds better. Pedro is simply not good enough for our team. Only problem would be that those players are all very young and inexperienced.


New member
As I've said in the Neymar thread... bringing in Neymar to replace Villa is a bad call. I have no problem him being a replacement or an alternative for the likes of Pedro or Sanchez, but losing a proven goalscorer in Villa and replacing him with Neymar will likely turn out to be a downgrade, rather than an upgrade. If we sell both Sanchez and Villa, then we need to bring in another big name proven goalscorer along with Neymar. No risks and experiments with Lamelas or Deulofeus, but someone like Higuain or Aguero. We can't afford to have inexperienced or non-scoring players on both wings.

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