Transfers and Rumours - old thread

He is very cock and confident a few games ago he went for a cleareance and abosolutely clattered the player also aftwerwards he just stood there looking at him like yep I did that!! It was quite funny, a great GK the best in Germany and arguably one the best in the World (just Iker and Buffon probably better) People are pointing out his mistakes from corners and crosses but make it out like Buffon and Iker never make or made mistakes this year


New member
as i know, ozil insists he is kurd and not turk and is very proud about that.

"My technique and feeling for the ball is the Turkish side to my game. The discipline, attitude and always-give-your-all is the German part." - Mesut Ozil

Devrek, Zonguldak in Northwestern Turkey is where his family roots are. (no Kurds in this part of the country)



New member
One thing Neuer is apparently not very good at is defending and saving corner kicks. He has conceded quite a few goals from corners, but I think it is mostly his teammates's fault. Bayern is pretty terrible in defending corners. I hope Klopp will take full advantage of that. :emotions16:

Another thing he's not that good at is playing Mönchengladbach. :lol:

Here are two examples for you

1st goal

another blunder

Though, he sure as hell isn't as bad as some are trying to make him.
He's an excellent goalkeeper who plays the position very offensive minded(ter Stegen does as well) and therefore gets cought here and there.
Even considering those things, he's one of the best in the world.


New member
On the subject of keepers, I think there are very few in the world worth 25+ million. I would count them on one hand- maybe less.

For Barcelona, one on one and composure with feet are the two most important skills.

Valdes has always struggled with his positioning. He's never appeared comfortable positioning in open play (high balls or one on one), and especially not on set pieces. I would like the next keeper to be stronger in these areas even if not great with the feet.

Valdes' athletic ability is his most underrated asset, and this is another must for Barcelona. You must be athletic to be a good one v one stopper.

I'd look at someone like Steve Mandanda as a more experienced option.


New member
MundoDeportivo are quoting Brazilian sources as saying Santos want 50 million euros for their piece of the Neymar pie. They own just over half of his rights. The rest is third party. This means the overall operation would climb over 90 million euros.

Barca would not have to pay 90 million to get him as sponsors would cover most of what it'd take beyond the Santos portion (Nike), but it shows you what kind of operation this is (big time).

How quickly this concludes, if at all, this summer depends on just how much legwork Rosell has really done up until this point.


Hehe, one can call himself "Turkish" and being a German at the same time, right? Just like the Irish Americans..

No, in the United States the Irish are completely assimilated, like the Italians, Poles and the other groups who came here in large numbers from Europe. In this country, immigration is a lot different than it is in Europe. Almost everyone who grows us here considers themselves as American as anyone else, and that's the way everyone else looks at them, too. Our president is son of a Kenyan.


New member
Messi kick the ball to the crowd vs Madrid, head but vs shaktar player i forgot the name, and spit on people idk.
Messi didn't spit at anyone. There was a video but it's clear there that he spits next to the guy (the rest is truth, though)


Culé de Celestial Empire
No, in the United States the Irish are completely assimilated, like the Italians, Poles and the other groups who came here in large numbers from Europe. In this country, immigration is a lot different than it is in Europe. Almost everyone who grows us here considers themselves as American as anyone else, and that's the way everyone else looks at them, too. Our president is son of a Kenyan.

Agreed. But you have St. Patrick's Day for the Irish folks in America to celebrate their Irish heritage, right? Why should the Turks in Germany be different? Assimilated or not, one can be a Turk and German too. I don't see why it has to be conflicting.

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