Transfers and Rumours - old thread



i think we should try give batra, munesia, and montoy a chance next season instead of getting a cb

That would be nice . We need to move forward , the others are getting stronger as we speak .
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i think we should try give batra, munesia, and montoy a chance next season instead of getting a cb

In two years, this will be the best idea but I think that we need a very experienced defender. IMO Montoya and Bartra do not have the quality to compete in big games against e.g Bayern or Manu in the Champions League yet. (found Bartra not so good in the first leg against Bayern). But the guys you mentioned are the future of our club and we should give them more play time, where they can develop beside experienced defenders who can teach our youngsters.

Btw: Is Danilo a good RB? Maybe he is good for us, young and talented. IMO we should have a big squad. I'm from Germany and watched very much games from Bayern this season. They have 2 perfect squads. The ''second'' team could have been the second or third in the leauge this season. Furthermore, a bigger squad would be perfect for our old players like Puyol and Xavi who can easily rehabilitate during matches they miss.

So in short: my wish is to have a better rotation system. The injuries of Masche and Puyol have cost us the chance to hold the CL trophy in the hand, maybe.. In this case, Tito should quit as manager because his rotation system is BS..
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New member
I wouldn't take Suarez if we could have him for free...

Neymar Messi Suarez front line is really scary.... but save that for Fifa...

Yes please save that for Fifa where there are no personalities to manage. The excuses you guys are making for Suarez are ridiculous... "he only bites when he gets frustrated" , "he's only racist when he can't score goals" lol
I think he's a very talented striker who's playing style would fit in at Barcelona, but he is just shitty person who needs professional help. He is one of the biggest divers and play actors in the game today. Not to mention all the biting and stupid things he says and does every game when things don't go his way. He belongs on Mourinho's Madrid way more than with us.


New member
I don't follow seria A but can anyone say what is Marquinhos's injury record?

Can't remember how many injuries he had exactly this season but he was out a few times. Most minor but I think one time he was out for a few weeks. I don't watch every Roma game or anything so just trying to remember when I would see headlines about him being injured.

His wiki says he made 26 appearances for Roma but I don't know if every single one of those missed games was because of injury or if any were just tactical reasons.


Senior Member
i think we should try give batra, munesia, and montoy a chance next season instead of getting a cb

That would be awful tbh ,Munisia has been destroyed by injuries in the past half decade , Bartra is nice but he isn't a WC material ,La Masia is gr8 ,but to think about as a source to cover evey position in transfers is short sighted tbh ,we need to but quality players to stay in top ,we need to realize not every La Masia player is the next Messi or Puyol
We haven't signed a new CB since 2009 ,and in this time we lost many and others got old ,no quality CB has came from La Masia and all what we have done is converting Masch to CB ,not buying a new CB will be one of the worst decisions to make


New member
How is it possible that a team like Monaco which has just been prommoted can spend more than 70m Eu since in May, i mean where is the financial Fair play Here????
this is ridiculos

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