There is no such thing as "mental gymnastics" in real life. These are expressions from silly forum games that don't actually exist.
If I can clear it up for you just ask and I will. Like I did today.
The main arguments are all the same, but I can't exhaust every single mini-argument that the major arguments create because I don't get paid big bucks to comment here. This is wasted time in many respects.
It is when use mental gymnastics in real life arguments and contradict yourself.
Nothing cleared up and slightest other than fake arguments about what was being debated at time.
Different rules for different coaches and not a peep when Gavi played lots of minutes at youngr age.
The 'humans are different' argument is a new one... at time Pedri 'playing too much' was 100% argued on age... then not for Gavi.. due to Xavi being coach.
If 'humans are different' is the argument then more on Xavi for way handled these players.
Anyway the issues with Pedri have more been since he stopped and started after that season than anything else.. then coaches rushing him back.. both Koeman and Xavi guilty of that it appears.