Andres Iniesta


New member
He and Xavi are the best players to never win a Balon 'Dor probably but thats only because Messi was better, if iniesta were 2 years older he could've won it.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
What worries me is the complacency this award may bring... We all know he is far from his best but awards like this might tell him the opposite, same with Alves and his inclusion in best XI team last season...


Senior Member
No award will bring you complacency if you know you`re shit on the field. And he is intelligent enough to see that he isn`t playing well this season.


Staff member
I agree with evil. He's been playing poorly and showing a bad example as a captain with his lazinesss.
Tap on his back with this mickey mouse award is last thing he needs.


Active member
I don't think Iniesta would see this as an award for not playing up to par. He seems to be a logical person. I'm sure he knows he could be playing better.


Senior Member
Yeah I don't think there's a worry about that with Iniesta. If it was Alves, i'd be inclined to agree, but not the Don. He's mature and just an awesome person, I'm sure he knows he isn't playing well. When he plays well, he's the best player in the world (Messi not included). What baffles me though, is how he managed to get this award, cause he has been quite sub-par for a good season or so now :lol:


Iniesta is a professional. Some stupid award will not make him complacent. Weather he can come back to his best is all together different matter but he will try to get back to it. One big match performance will give him confidence maybe clasico. The current tactics are also playing some part in his bad form.


New member
He's been playing poorly and showing a bad example as a captain with his lazinesss.

Even when he plays very badly, iniesta's one redeeming quality has been that he always tries to bring his a-game. being lazy is really the one thing iniesta can't be accused of.

by the way, what a horrible award! it's a cool idea as a career recognition for the football legends, but don't give it to them when they are still playing ffs! it's like "hey you've been an awesome player, but now you're OLD, so we give you this here award, because you ain't gonna win any other in this life time, eh? *wink*
I'm just curious what you guys think Iniesta is doing wrong this year? I agree he has been off, but I don't think its laziness. I think I give our players a little too much slack when they have bad games.

The only things I have noticed him do wrong is miss some passes he usually makes in his sleep and has gotten dispossessed while dribbling more than he used to. His positioning and work rate seems okay to me. Now that I think about him and Busquets are in the same boat. I never remember seeing Busquets get dispossessed before last season. Same with Don. Maybe they both went on a special diet. Time to switch back.


I'm just curious what you guys think Iniesta is doing wrong this year? I agree he has been off, but I don't think its laziness. I think I give our players a little too much slack when they have bad games.

The only things I have noticed him do wrong is miss some passes he usually makes in his sleep and has gotten dispossessed while dribbling more than he used to. His positioning and work rate seems okay to me. Now that I think about him and Busquets are in the same boat. I never remember seeing Busquets get dispossessed before last season. Same with Don. Maybe they both went on a special diet. Time to switch back.

He looks uninspired to me, out of ideas. It could be due to his new position, covering for the lb, but he wasn't exactly brilliant with spain either.


New member
I think Iniesta needs someone to whip him back into shape. In his prime a few years back he had Xavi in his prime and Puyol making sure no one lets their guard down. Someone needs to step up and wake him up a bit.


Staff member
Easy. Mascherano.
If he could get a chance to play in midfieldy that is.
Only other player I can think of is Rakitic. But he's too new to shout at anyone

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