Bayern München


New member
You didn't say brilliant technically before, did you? Müller's far from being without technique though, his is rather oblique in nature, very unconventional and that is what makes him dangerous. And obviously you forgot that LVG DID coach Bayern and gave them the possession focus. He was also Müller's biggest proponent. There is a famous LVG quote in Germany: "With me at the helm, Müller will always play" (and that was when Müller was largely unknown in the world of football).
To think that LVG doesn't still have the hots for Müller and even more funny, that Müller is not suited for possession football (you do remember that Bayern since LVG has never really played anything else?) seems very naive to me.
Of course he can play in possesion based team but we have too many players who are decent technically but can't beat a man to save their life. I don't see how adding muller to the equation makes us a better team. The only player in our team who can go past defenders is Young and he's not that productive so we need someone like Hazard/Robben(can't think of any similar player who's available) if we are to challenge for title next season...

Ryu Hayabusa

Yes, one can't help but laugh about StarLord's never-ending parade of straw men.


New member
Absolutely impossible imagining Müller in any other shirt then the Bayern one. A transfer like this will probably never happen. The possibility of him wanting to move is as likely as the possibility of Bayern wanting to sell him. Non-existent.

If it comes down to a choice between him and Pep, it's going to be an interesting summer


New member
It's kind of tiring reading all those endless discussions, especially when words are turned or put in the "mouth's" of others.

Stating that Bayern was not lining up their best side against us does not equal that we would have lost against them if they played their best side. It's a statement to say that they would have had a better chance for better results against us. I see nothing wrong with this statement. Tearing this statement apart and then turning all the words around, all of a sudden claiming "there's no guarantee they would have won" is actually a nonsense statement, because nobody actually claimed or intended to claim that there was a 100% guarantee Bayern would have won with their star players. So what is the fuss, discussing just for the sake of the argument?

Alaba is not decisive, yet he is better than his sub.
Ribery might not be at his peak, yet he is a player that makes the others more confident, because they can pass the ball to him easily and relief for a couple of miliseconds. These things are hard to quantify, yet they are crucial when it comes to the games. The reason why Cantona was such a success at MANU was not only because he was worldclass, the other players got better because of him, they had more confidence, where they didn't win much, they started to win when he arrived.

In the horrible CL season where we lost against Bayern, Messi was injured against PSG: we did nothing on the pitch until he came on, he was fucking injured, but all of a sudden the other players got confidence as well. All of a sudden there's more space, more time etc.

Nobody claims we would have lost the semi finals against a 100% fit Bayern with their usual star players on the pitch, but the game could have been more equal!

Ryu Hayabusa

It's kind of tiring reading all those endless discussions, especially when words are turned or put in the "mouth's" of others.

Stating that Bayern was not lining up their best side against us does not equal that we would have lost against them if they played their best side. It's a statement to say that they would have had a better chance for better results against us. I see nothing wrong with this statement. Tearing this statement apart and then turning all the words around, all of a sudden claiming "there's no guarantee they would have won" is actually a nonsense statement, because nobody actually claimed or intended to claim that there was a 100% guarantee Bayern would have won with their star players. So what is the fuss, discussing just for the sake of the argument?

Alaba is not decisive, yet he is better than his sub.
Ribery might not be at his peak, yet he is a player that makes the others more confident, because they can pass the ball to him easily and relief for a couple of miliseconds. These things are hard to quantify, yet they are crucial when it comes to the games. The reason why Cantona was such a success at MANU was not only because he was worldclass, the other players got better because of him, they had more confidence, where they didn't win much, they started to win when he arrived.

In the horrible CL season where we lost against Bayern, Messi was injured against PSG: we did nothing on the pitch until he came on, he was fucking injured, but all of a sudden the other players got confidence as well. All of a sudden there's more space, more time etc.

Nobody claims we would have lost the semi finals against a 100% fit Bayern with their usual star players on the pitch, but the game could have been more equal!



6racies Xavi
Dr. Andreas Schlumberger (48) wird ab 1. Juli als „Teamleiter Rehabilitation und Prävention“ beim FC Bayern anfangen. Der studierte Trainingswissenschaftler arbeitete seit 2011 für den BVB, wurde damals von Jürgen Klopp vom DFB abgeworben.

"Wir freuen uns, mit Dr. Schlumberger einen ausgewiesenen Fachmann für unser Team gewonnen zu haben. Er wird den Bereich Rehabilitation und Prävention ab 1. Juli verantworten", bestätigt Bayern-Vorstand Jan-Christian Dressen auf Anfrage von SPORT BILD online.

They signed Docter Andreas Schlumberger from Borussia Dortmund. :VdB:
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