Bojan Krkic

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Arsenal are looking to buy him in the Jan transfer window. Discuss.

I've been of the opinion for some time now that he isn't going to make it. Too fragile both physically and mentally to make it at the very top in my opinion, if we can use him as a makeweight in a deal for Cesc or Arshavin or get a decent chunk of cash then I wouldn't shead too many tears over his departure.


Just a rumour. That's what I hope atleast.
He's 19 give him some time. He was doing really good before his injury and afterwards he hasn't been given a chance.


Ricky Martin clone
I've been of the opinion for some time now that he isn't going to make it. Too fragile both physically and mentally to make it at the very top in my opinion, if we can use him as a makeweight in a deal for Cesc or Arshavin or get a decent chunk of cash then I wouldn't shead too many tears over his departure.

I feel the same about Gai. Thiago/Pedro/JDS are where my hopes are lying. I hope thy prove me wrong, but it doesn't look like it atm. Pep and the board would receive unmitigated abuse for selling the little catalan posterboy though.


immaculately conceived
And rightly so. There was also no indication last year that Pedro would score 10 goals in this Barcelona before december was reached.

Sell Jeffren, I would agree. But Bojan? Come on. Too much potential at such a young age to dismiss at his 19th.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I feel the same about Gai. Thiago/Pedro/JDS are where my hopes are lying. I hope thy prove me wrong, but it doesn't look like it atm. Pep and the board would receive unmitigated abuse for selling the little catalan posterboy though.

Out of sight, out of mind, in the current climate barely more than a murmur would be raised if Bojan departed.


To get rid of Bojan would be retarded. He's one of the best finishers at the club. Maybe our system isn't for him, but he has the ability to play for a CL club quite easily. At 19 selling him would be very short sighted.


And rightly so. There was also no indication last year that Pedro would score 10 goals in this Barcelona before december was reached.

Sell Jeffren, I would agree. But Bojan? Come on. Too much potential at such a young age to dismiss at his 19th.

I agree with Gneg. Absolutely spot on!


New member
Bojan is way too good to sell. Sell Gai & Jeffren to Wenger if he wants our youngsters so bad.


New member
Writing a player off at 19 is definitely short-sighted I think. Look at Pedro, he's 22 and he's only just started to show what he's got. Not everyone can burst through like Messi did. Iniesta is another example of a player who worked his way into the team gradually.

Obviously Bojan has a lot of improving left to do but I think we should give him until the summer, at least.

Super Pippo

I've been of the opinion for some time now that he isn't going to make it. Too fragile both physically and mentally to make it at the very top in my opinion, if we can use him as a makeweight in a deal for Cesc or Arshavin or get a decent chunk of cash then I wouldn't shead too many tears over his departure.

Very true, I can see only finishing to be very good in him. He could maybe be effective in a less physical, perhaps more slower paced league where he gets time on the ball (Italia?). But even then I think it would need to be as a partner to a strong/big forward in a traditional two-striker set up. And even then at a smaller club where the pressure isn't on him to perform so much, Florentia Viola maybe. In saying that I'm uncertain how effective he could be in that situation where his quality and frequency of service of severly reduced.


Monster Masch
He's still young, like many of you have said. He has broken various records at being the youngest so and so and is yet to receive any sort of break in the first team. He is a quality finisher and alot more intelligent and experienced than many his age. Give it time and I think he'll not only get stronger physically, but mentally also. Seems like he's 100% committed to Barca, which is a great thing, i'm sure he has had plenty of offers as he will in the future aswell.


Senior Member
He was promoted a bit too early to the first team. A couple more years at Athletic would 've given him more playing time & experience. A bit more maturity would 've then helped him with the pressure that comes with playing for the first team & more importantaly understand the need to be more patient. He is at a stage where he needs games week in, week out to get better & grow as a player & its difficult to find it in the first team esp; when it is the best in the world. He is not an exceptional talent to force his way in to the starting XI either. Too much hype from the beginning hasn't helped the cause. He should move on to a mid-table club on loan to play regularly (like Negredo) or if he wants to stay then he should be content with his role in the team.

If Arsenal want him, may be we can swap him for that Wilshere kid :p

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