Bojan Krkic


Fireman Sam
I will be so suprised if Bojan doesnt get more minutes next yeear, i dont expect him to be a starter, but i think hee should definatly be alot more Involveed at CF than he was this year..


If a club like RM can show faith in a young striker in Higuain to start so many games 3-4 years running, I don;t see why Barca can't entrust Bojan next season, he's already proven he can withstand pressure, albeit his finishing may not always be clinical but that's the case with every striker..


New member
So are the rumours of Bojan leaving now gone, or does that possibility still exist? TBH, I think he should be first choice next season, and if that means leaving Ibra go/not buying Villa, I could live with that.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
your willing to put all the goal scoring striker playing repsonsibility on a 19 year old? that is crazyness we def need villa especially with henry leaving and possibly ibra also


New member
But where are the rumours of Ibra leaving. I just think having Villa, Ibra, Messi, Pedro and Bojan could lead to a bit of hassle with people unhappy about not playing.

And I did not mean both options of leaving Ibra go and forgetting Villa.


Fireman Sam
he shouldnt be first choice next year, but he deefinatly should get alot more minutes,

if he gets 20+ goals next year, maybe he will be ready the season after...


Staff member
I must have missed something as Bojan is, in fact, our first choice striker atm. And is doing it in tough away matches such as Villarreal and Seville. And had he played more he would have above 20 goals easily.


New member
I think people here are getting way too caught up with Bojan's age instead of concentrating on what actually matters, which is what he contributes on the pitch. Who cares if he's only 19, did Pato not thrive as the starting striker at Milan at the same age? His form at the moment isn't that of a young teenager that needs to learn from the bench, he's playing like a professional who has earned his starting spot on the team.


New member
I will be so suprised if Bojan doesnt get more minutes next yeear, i dont expect him to be a starter, but i think hee should definatly be alot more Involveed at CF than he was this year..

I don't understand why Pep didn't play him in 2010 when Zlatan was just nothing more than terrible up front...


I don't understand why Pep didn't play him in 2010 when Zlatan was just nothing more than terrible up front...

You need to stick by your striker and give him confidence. Sometimes you have to put trust in a player to get the best out of them. If Guardiola dropped him right after Feb, then Ibra might not have been able to recover and then we have a €69m player who has no confidence and sitting on the bench.


New member
^ So you are saying Ibra should be first choice regardless of form so Barca might recoup some of his transfer fee?

Pep did stick by Ibra, but Ibra form just did not come round again. Bojan is in place at present and should continue as first choice as he is doing what he is supposed to do, score and create goals.

I predicted a 20 goal season for Bojan in August. Its a shame he was injured early on as I really think he could have hit that target.


^ So you are saying Ibra should be first choice regardless of form so Barca might recoup some of his transfer fee?

Pep did stick by Ibra, but Ibra form just did not come round again. Bojan is in place at present and should continue as first choice as he is doing what he is supposed to do, score and create goals.

I predicted a 20 goal season for Bojan in August. Its a shame he was injured early on as I really think he could have hit that target.

No, im not saying that Ibra should start regardless. I'm saying that the reason Guardiola stuck by him was to see if he could turn it around, which he did against Arsenal but got injured right after which was a huge shame.


Senior Member
You need to stick by your striker and give him confidence. Sometimes you have to put trust in a player to get the best out of them. If Guardiola dropped him right after Feb, then Ibra might not have been able to recover and then we have a €69m player who has no confidence and sitting on the bench.

So we would have basically ended up with what we have now.

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