Daniel Alves


Barçapocalypse NOW!
The guy needs to shut his mouth considering the level of his performances at the moment.

I absolutely agree... I find it opportunistic and offensive towards the fans... He could have said he wished more people came to the games, but to say they are not as culés as they say they are is quite the statement, especially for a game at 22:00 on a weekday...

He (and the team) should be thinking about playing better and not pointing to the fans when things go wrong, he should be auto critic instead of looking for excuses... I really don't know what he's trying to achieve with such statements...


Wild Man of Borneo
He had another go at the supporters, as ony 38000 were in the game tonight:

Alves: “The fans that didn't come to the Camp Nou, are not Barça fans as they say they are.”

:lol: What a convenient and petty way to project his own frustrations onto the fans. Disrespect coming from a guy who's currently on no merit to be making those kinds of statements. Fans can be fickle and disloyal, but what is an unwarranted public attack going to solve?

Needs to work more on actually improving and fixing internal problems than making headlines and pointing fingers to the entire world.


His full statement:

"Here people are a bit pessimist. If the team don't win, people get cold. Barcelona belongs to everyone, not only the players. We all fight for the same goal, to win and enjoy. The fans that didn't come, are not as culés as they say they are. The 38.005 that came today were better than the crowd of the valencia game. The ones who came cheered us up, they did their part. Barça is everyone's. If the fans don't believe in the team, better not to come."


New member
This guy got out jumped by Piatti and the first thing he did was have a go at the fans. He really is just like :mou:. Them deflecting attention tactics.


Senior Member
Honestly I prefer seeing him cross the ball rather than seeing the players just passing the ball around without penetration.


Tata disagrees with Alves, about the public attending the game tonight:

Martino: "A las 10 de la noche y trabajando mañana, yo no vendría al campo". At 22h, and having to work tomorrow, I wouldn't come to the game".


Senior Member
Tata disagrees with Alves, about the public attending the game tonight:

Martino: "A las 10 de la noche y trabajando mañana, yo no vendría al campo". At 22h, and having to work tomorrow, I wouldn't come to the game".

alves to have a fist fight with tata.
alves to win the fight due to distracting tata's attention with his sparkling shoes and style and also knowing tata's weakest spot : mascherano



Senior Member
Actually if he had a target man instead of midgets I bet he would of had 3 assists today.

But he doesn't. He knows he doesn't. He knows he has a team that doesn't crash the box in numbers (a.k.a. EPL) and that there are usually 8 defenders in the box. Why insist on crosses? It's spinning the roulette wheel, but at least in the EPL the odds aren't astronomically against the attacker. And when you factor in that he is almost always tossing up a random ball, not aiming at anything in particular, it's just an amateurish waste of an attack.

What would be MUCH more useful are blistering shots on target from outside the box (like Pedro tried yesterday). Even if they don't go in, forcing the keeper to clear the ball often results in mistakes that can be capitalized on (unlike Alves's floated crosses, which are easily cleared- if they even land near the box).


New member
But he doesn't. He knows he doesn't. He knows he has a team that doesn't crash the box in numbers (a.k.a. EPL) and that there are usually 8 defenders in the box. Why insist on crosses? It's spinning the roulette wheel, but at least in the EPL the odds aren't astronomically against the attacker. And when you factor in that he is almost always tossing up a random ball, not aiming at anything in particular, it's just an amateurish waste of an attack.

What would be MUCH more useful are blistering shots on target from outside the box (like Pedro tried yesterday). Even if they don't go in, forcing the keeper to clear the ball often results in mistakes that can be capitalized on (unlike Alves's floated crosses, which are easily cleared- if they even land near the box).

I agree I'm a huge Dani fan but I just don't see his will and passion the same anymore. Maybe it's injuries, maybe it's him being pissy for the way Abidal was treated or maybe it's just his time to move on. Still think if we had a #9 aerial threat he would be back to his best. Going to be and interesting summer to see what happens to Dani boy.


New member
If neymar's on the field crosses may work a little. He scored two headers this season off of crosses while being man marked by taller players.


Senior Member
If neymar's on the field crosses may work a little. He scored two headers this season off of crosses while being man marked by taller players.

Some truth to that, if towards the back post (possibly near post). Floaters in the middle of the box are just a gift to the other team.

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