Daniel Alves


Senior Member
10m?Ridiculous players from serbian "crop field" league are valued more...stop this shamefull talking!

15 mil tops. And that's not taking into account that he just bid farewell to Brazil's starting line-up - an achievement in itself - as Scolari isn't exactly known to drop players who underperform. Sorry pal.
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What?You don't say it like that in English?Well,exuse me for not speaking English perfectly...it's not my first language,and I'm not best english speaker in the world...

Teach me:how do you call sending ball on your CF's head?

I call it a cross, but I haven't seen him send in one of those successfully since August of 2013, and even that was a one off.

Seriously, his crosses have been the single worst part of Barca the past few seasons.
Dani had a bad year...so?Our entire team had bad year!

Who was truely g.r.e.a.t.?Messi?Alba?Busi?Sanchez?Pique?

Who?Nobody.We had maybe 2 months of good playing,everything else is barely tolerable(compared to how we did 2011,2010,2009...).

Maybe Dani explodes next season-like Puyi 2011 when nobody expected it...have faith,damn it!Specialy 'cause we haven't got decent replacement anywhere on sight...


Senior Member
Well,I think he was better in 2010.I remember his dominating the right side,great shooting,passing...after that,he kind'a lst it,I don't know...
Maicon might've lost his flair but he is still solid defensively and can provide lethal crosses. For this Brazil side I would always pick Maicon over Alves simply because Marcelo is already pushing forward and you don't want two such offensive minded FB's on the field.

The thing that makes Dani Alves special is his incredible stamina. He used to have amazing speed too but obviously that deteriorates as you get older.
Dani had a bad year...so?Our entire team had bad year!

Who was truely g.r.e.a.t.?Messi?Alba?Busi?Sanchez?Pique?

Who?Nobody.We had maybe 2 months of good playing,everything else is barely tolerable(compared to how we did 2011,2010,2009...).

Maybe Dani explodes next season-like Puyi 2011 when nobody expected it...have faith,damn it!Specialy 'cause we haven't got decent replacement anywhere on sight...

True in part, but its just dawning on me now that alot of our players are past it or atleast on the way down, Alves is a prime example and no, he wont explode next season.
I could name one btw. Alba for most of the season ( and Masch of course Always ;) )


Active member
Dani had a bad year...so?Our entire team had bad year!

Who was truely g.r.e.a.t.?Messi?Alba?Busi?Sanchez?Pique?

Who?Nobody.We had maybe 2 months of good playing,everything else is barely tolerable(compared to how we did 2011,2010,2009...).

Maybe Dani explodes next season-like Puyi 2011 when nobody expected it...have faith,damn it!Specialy 'cause we haven't got decent replacement anywhere on sight...
With random assumptions as ''maybe he explodes next season'' you ain't getting no where. It's right now what matters and thus far even considering of how he's performing from the last season he seems like he can't get back on his best. Also as some other people mentioned, he has lost big amount of speed, one of the most important elements of a RB.

It's kinda obvious he gets a place for who he is and not because he really deserves it. Well.. he got benched now... It's just declining, it happens with the time. We have to accept that and look forward, not try to make on assumptions that so far don't seem to be possible of happening.


New member
Poor Dani when you get benched by Maicon you know his work ethic isn't the same. I don't know if it's focusing on off field activities or he just got a step slower but this isn't the same Dani sadly :(

Blaugrana Bull

People get old. His biggest quality was always his stamina and now he can't play his game anymore that no other RB could match for years.
I still like Dani but Maicon has to continue to play. He shut his side down.

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