Daniel Alves


I only remember him asking the fans in the stadium to cheer more and in the presentation blaming them for something.

Anyway i think it is not bad move by the club if they put him on transfer list. It does not show disrespect, but you have to speak to the player first and tell him they don't count on him. That is the correct way to do it. Don't know what exactly happened. Even though he might be a barca legend he does not get the right to stay here if he is performing shit.
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New member
I think that all he said is right. He deserves respect, he's been the best right-back of the history of the club. He always gave his best.
We should stop judging our players by looking at their last performance/match. It's not fair…


New member
I think that all he said is right. He deserves respect, he's been the best right-back of the history of the club. He always gave his best.
We should stop judging our players by looking at their last performance/match. It's not fair…
Xavi (who's undoubtedly more important to the club's history than Alves) also has declined in the past years and has gotten a lot of criticism for it, yet you don't hear him complain in each press-conference about it every time. That's the difference with Alves.


Active member
Xavi (who's undoubtedly more important to the club's history than Alves) also has declined in the past years and has gotten a lot of criticism for it, yet you don't hear him complain in each press-conference about it every time. That's the difference with Alves.

xavi's press-conferences are even more annoying than alves'. at least to me. also i don't remember anyone booing xavi, or dissing him in public, internet criticism doesn't count


New member
xavi's press-conferences are even more annoying than alves'. at least to me. also i don't remember anyone booing xavi, or dissing him in public, internet criticism doesn't count
On EMD/Sport Xavi was often criticized last season, and a football-freak like Xavi probably reads those newspapers too.


Active member
On EMD/Sport Xavi was often criticized last season, and a football-freak like Xavi probably reads those newspapers too.

my mistake, but still, everyone was criticized, messi has been crucified, but alves is a scapegoat and no one protects him but himself and he is even criticized for protecting himself. that's how cast out alves is.

Sunny Mir


He got that Surprise mofo face. :VdB :

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