Daniel Alves


Senior Member
He won the ball, he knew it, Rayo player knew it as did linesman. But ref fucked up.

Alves gets slated for having no desire to defend.... now people are saying he should let them score ffs


Senior Member
It wasn't the cleanest challenge ever, but it's not a foul. He got the ball, the contact with the other player was minimal. I'd say Messi's tackle vs Atletico was more of a pen. than this one was.


Eh. Could have gone either way really. Wasn't a bad call, it was just the one some people disagreed with. Not like it really matters all too much in the long run, though. He'll be back for the Clasico and we still won by a huge margin.


Staff member
I didn't watch the game but I watched every single one before Rayo. And I have seen the replay, it was a penalty. Contact was there.
To lunge like that at 5-0 is downright moronic.

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