Daniel Alves


Professor Balthazar
Alves is dogshit these days. Let him go, make do with Montoya/Adriano/Douglas until January with a signing ready to come in.

Zubi is such an idiot for not replacing him in the summer. Alves should have been moved on a year or two ago when he was worth something.

We'll talk next winter to see how it turned out, I think it's going to be ***** up...


Well, we ***** up real good on this one :thumbsup2: We can kiss next season goodbye, I mean it. Now we have Montoya (will he even stay? I mean he hardly got to play the last 2 season - I will not blame him if he decides to leave) and Douglas lol. And it's not only that Alves decided to leave, our incompetence in signing another RB is beyond reason - instead we signed Vermaelen and Douglas as defensive backup, lord have mercy :facepalm:

Yes, since Alves is the single most important player in the team and without his world class defending and his superb crossing we can't win games. :goodpost:


Not possible to postpone something that has already been postponed for almost 1 year! What is there to postpone when the negotiations have been ongoing for the past 2 weeks (officially) or so if not longer? This issue will be settled before the season ends IMO meaning that Alves' future will be decided before that happens. I don't think that it's unlikely that Alves will finally stay either. His agent is just pressuring the club. It probably also depends on the contacts with possible substitutes such as Darmian for instance.

It wasn't postponed for a year, as I remember Alves was saying many times he wants to fulfill his contract and then will see what happens. His renewal always been tough negotiation like in 2011 which created some issues. Pushing for negotiation now in this crucial month is his way (and his agent) to twist Barca's arms to accept his terms. No player above the club.

The squad needs renewal with young bloods. Dani could go where the money is.


New member
Yes, I think we should stay positive. Dani Alves really aint that important as some make him out to be. And we dont know how guys like Pedro, Bartra, Montoya will perform with regular playing time in that position so its too soon to write them off IMO.


Senior Member
As an average person, with a normal job, that is something i cant quite understand. The top players in international football are set for life after a career of football, why do they care about earning more when they sit on a 3 mill a week doing what they love?

Football players are reach .they are millionaires but clubs are even richer .there is no logic in in giving a discount for the wealthier to be even more richer on your expense
Clubs aren't charity organization to give up some of your salary for them


Senior Member
Well, we ***** up real good on this one :thumbsup2: We can kiss next season goodbye, I mean it. Now we have Montoya (will he even stay? I mean he hardly got to play the last 2 season - I will not blame him if he decides to leave) and Douglas lol. And it's not only that Alves decided to leave, our incompetence in signing another RB is beyond reason - instead we signed Vermaelen and Douglas as defensive backup, lord have mercy :facepalm:

What sort of logic is this?

We absolutely can hold off for 3 months until someone else comes in.

I would definitely take that gamble over giving Dani a new contract with massive wages. As people mentioned, he really isn't that good anymore is and very replaceable.


Staff member
I think some of the people don't understand that this is not about wanting Dani to stay or not.
So if the club doesn't give in to 3 year contract + massive salary (everything Dani demands) then Barca is to blame? That's Dinorah logic for you.


So yeah, let them flirt with other clubs and all future presidential candidates some more.

Anyone wondered how'd they feel as an employer if your employee flirted with other firms and people who might take your job.



New member
I love Alves and all his efforts for the club in the past 7 years or so, but his current demands are beyond obscene.

While it is clear to everyone (including him and his agent) that he is well past his best, he is asking for a contract extension of three (!) more years on the same exorbitant wages!!!

I would extend his contract for three more years, if he accepted a 70% reduction in wages. I am sorry Daniel, but this is how the world of professional sports works. You have already made way more (make that, "infinitely more") money than the average upper middle class careerist can ever dream of making in their entire lifetimes!

Now, Alves has the opportunity to close his career as a Barca legend, by making the "sacrifice" of being paid something like 3m euros per season? I wonder which club will give him the contract that he dreams of?


To people saying Barca can kiss next season goodbye because of this. Please. It's not like we're losing Messi.

As if current Alves is the most important player in the squad, or even close to it.

We'll go through an adjusting period, but we'll be fine. Then it will be up to the club to find a replacement when the ban ends.
I don't get what the fuss is about , the guy has been garbage the last two years , it would be no loss if he went and would probably make us stronger.
He has made his millions , his new demands are outrageous and he knows it , dump him .


New member
To people saying Barca can kiss next season goodbye because of this. Please. It's not like we're losing Messi.

As if current Alves is the most important player in the squad, or even close to it.

We'll go through an adjusting period, but we'll be fine. Then it will be up to the club to find a replacement when the ban ends.

I think that we can live without an ageing Alves for the first half of next season with little if any problems. Then we can bring in a new RB in the January transfer period. No big deal if one thinks about it.


To people saying Barca can kiss next season goodbye because of this. Please. It's not like we're losing Messi.

As if current Alves is the most important player in the squad, or even close to it.

We'll go through an adjusting period, but we'll be fine. Then it will be up to the club to find a replacement when the ban ends.

The people saying this are so incredibly spoiled that ANY player who isn't on the same level as 08-12 Alves (Yes, any player as good as current Alves would also still be called crap by these people) is automatically terrible and we're screwed because our RB isn't the best in our history. It's funny.

Montoya is, in all honesty, not even that bad. The problem is every little thing he does is compared to how Alves would do it and obviously, it's never as good. Playing Montoya against the Celta's and Malaga's of the world won't cause us to lose the league the way people seem to think. And considering how drastically Bravo improved from pre-season just because he got to play every Liga game since then, one could suggest Montoya might actually become a solid RB for us if given a decent run of games. Two in a row would be a good start.


Professor Balthazar
What sort of logic is this?

We absolutely can hold off for 3 months until someone else comes in.

I would definitely take that gamble over giving Dani a new contract with massive wages. As people mentioned, he really isn't that good anymore is and very replaceable.

3 months, maybe. But than, most wc RB's will be cup tied. Than, it takes some time to get going when thrown straight into Barca starting 11. Than, we have Montoya as first choice - think about that for a minute, and Douglas as backup.
Alves messes up once in a while, but all defenders do. What he offers us though will be very hard to replace, but we usually don't know what we had before it is gone.

I think some of the people don't understand that this is not about wanting Dani to stay or not.
So if the club doesn't give in to 3 year contract + massive salary (everything Dani demands) then Barca is to blame? That's Dinorah logic for you.


So yeah, let them flirt with other clubs and all future presidential candidates some more.

Anyone wondered how'd they feel as an employer if your employee flirted with other firms and people who might take your job.


I agree with you Bojan. But I still blame Barca they didn't try to negotiate with Alves earlier when they knew the ban is going to become a reality - extended him for 1 extra year when the club still had the leverage. BUT, if they already knew (or had a feeling) it was going to become a problem - a replacement for Alves should have been brought in, instead we bought an injured Vermaelen who is still to play his first game soon 1 year after we bought him. But I fully agree with you that what is taking place right now is classless, other may argue differently and that it's just a part of how football transfers work.


Damn i was hoping for a 2year contract. It seems fair like that for both parts. Dani gets paid and the club buys some time to find a suitable replacement. Now we might need to find one in the summer since the january window usally sucks. Unless we want to go for montaya as the first choice.

Any idea what club made a bid for Dani? I read PSG is out. It cant be Real Madrid. Chelsea just buyed cuadrado. I doubt its Bayern. Maybe United? Or maybe just a lie to push barca ?

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