150 for him is a bargain.
It isn't 2011 anymore.
150 for him is a bargain.
ronaldinho was a circus when he left
So amazed at what Messi is doing. He truly does care about the club.
He has decided enough is enough and is trying to take down the virus that is infecting this club which is Bartomeu.
Keep it up Leo. Full support.
They will if Messi says so. They don't want to be known as the board that forced Messi to leave. That's like having a big target on your back walking around Barcelona.
If he leaves for free we will never recover dude! This is not the way you treat the GOAT and the biggest player in history of this club!
I see. We take spanish newspaper he say she says as official now. Great stuff.Some of them are so blind, that they are trying to spin this that Koeman insulted Messi.He said, no more privileges. That's right next to "fuck your mother in the ass" in "the gravest insults you can throw to somebody".
As I said. Fanatic fans are like sheep.
150 for him is a bargain. Any club will return than money within one year.
You can't treat a GOAT like that.
He can't leave like that.
He needs a full city, not just stadium, he needs a look iving legend farewell.
Fuck you Barto.