Mikayil Faye


Senior Member
Let's be real, as one does on FM, the club are scrambling to find money where possible and to file registrations in at the last minute, and he was part of that.

If the club had a healthy situation we would be loaning him and monitoring his progress. 10 mill is pocket change for must top clubs anyway and they wouldn't be selling their best prospects for that much. Alas.


Senior Member
Nothing wrong with him asking to leave if he wasn't given the opportunities promised,I guess the club would say that we have a new manager now, who genuinely seems to like Dominiquez more.

But that's a cop out by the club if that's the line they take, they are just selling him because their is interest in him, unlike say a Garcia, who really only has a market in Spain and everyone in Spain is broke.

Only chance the club has no, is for Garcia to grow his beard back, because we have 4 CB all of whom are Slow AF.

Hopefully their is a good sell on clause and we get another 10m out of it, because he's never coming back.


Senior Member
But what no one can convince me of until I see Faye at Senior level is Garcia is better than him.

Maybe Dominiquez ends up being better,he's young, but Garcia? Faye would have to be an epic failure for that to happen.
Our every match against strong(er) teams this year:
We will somehow look quassi dominant with keeping posession, having 1-2 semi chances, then bum, one fast transition where we cant stop the play beacause we are physicaly/defensively weak in midfield and slow CB cant catch oposite attackets and we are one goal down.

Then we repeat all this quassi possession domination but we get 2 more goals on transition.

Its the end of the match, we lose 3:1. After match interviews: we had our chances, dominating the game bla bla... and real is already 7 points ahead in january.

We never learn


Senior Member
For what is worth Rennes just signed Fabricio Bruno from Flamengo so this whole "Faye is close to Rennes" could be just usual Catalan media BS. :lol:


Senior Member
Pretty much all big teams has a Black guy in there CB partnership, for us 1 is injured and we are actively trying to sell the other one.


We would never get bullied in defense again, maybe cubarsi for Faye.


Senior Member
Pretty much all big teams has a Black guy in there CB partnership, for us 1 is injured and we are actively trying to sell the other one.


We would never get bullied in defense again, maybe cubarsi for Faye.

We don't do that here, we prefer Cancelo, Big Dom, Garcia, Malonso


Senior Member
We don't do that here, we prefer Cancelo, Big Dom, Garcia, Malonso

Hanging in the Barcelona board room is a picture of this guy with the words "Never Forget"


"Just in case you forgot", further down the hallway.


And lastly, above the toilet cubicle, "Blame this guy for Eric Garcia's mistakes"



Clubs actually will buy some players from us. Unfortunately it's always the ones you want to keep. Sad to see Faye go if he does end up going to France


Senior Member
Yep, rennes and lille wanting him tells you he has potential, this scouts are very good at buying low and selling high.

2-3 seasons from this, he'll be sold for 30-40m, minimum.

While we still have Garcia fighting to be the 5th man in defense.

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