Penal Madrid


Calma, calma
Move on and get on with your lives. If anything is proven today, it's that Madrid need to improve a LOT if they want to have a realistic chance of winning the league.


Move on and get on with your lives. If anything is proven today, it's that Madrid need to improve a LOT if they want to have a realistic chance of winning the league.

Yeah, let's "deal with it". That's why nothing changes... Most people just get on with injustice or absurdity. Not only in football, sadly.


New member
Why everyone is so gloomy, You're missing the happy bit, Our beloved circus is back!
Man i thought it left with Mourinho, But oh boy how wrong i was, It's going to be a fun fun season.


Calma, calma
Yeah, let's "deal with it". That's why nothing changes... Most people just get on with injustice or absurdity. Not only in football, sadly.

What are you gonna do about it? I am seriously asking. You're in Brazil, I'm in Canada - do you really think our opinions on a forum matter?


What are you gonna do about it? I am seriously asking. You're in Brazil, I'm in Canada - do you really think our opinions on a forum matter?

I know there's not much we can do. But nowadays the internet makes distances shorter, it's easier to show discontent no matter where you are. The catalan Barça board I read is quite mad about it too. Maybe one day public opinion will put enough pressure so things might change. Although there are far more important things in life to worry about, this shouldn't be overlooked... La liga is in bad shape, and these sort of things only make it even worse.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Sandro Rosell should order his beloved Bolixos Nois to protest this vehemently... They steal our league, within a year make a statement that we are supported by reff and then the very next match this blatant robbery happens :angry: One should be ashamed to be a Real fan after this!!

We should some how make sure this joker for a ref got a life ban... It would at least assure the other refs would shit their pants to take money from Real
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New member
Like this? Are you kidding? Last year barcelona was denied in 18 penalties.

This is the point people miss because they are victim to political correctness and lack the diligence to look at all the evidence. It's clear the benefit RM receive from the referees. It happens too often to ignore. Of course people will look at Barca and they'll find one instance where Barca benefited from a referee and use that as a trophy to try to show that things are the same with Barca.

But it is not the same. Referees make mistakes so of course Barca will benefit from them sometimes. But Barca also suffer from incorrect referee decisions. In fact if you looked at all the incorrect decisions you'd find that Barca get more decisions incorrectly given against them than given to them. This is nothing like RM who consistently get decisions given in their favour.


World Champion
This new possession based Madrid under Ancelotti is playing some slick passing football. Madrid look classy and fluid, great technical play from them and it's amazing to have dignified rivals again instead of Mourinho's scum. Their squad is far superior than ours. They can field 2 complete teams that could compete in the CL. Isco is the new Zidane who doesn't disappear in tough La Liga games like Villarreal or Elche, let alone once the Champions League knockout stages will arrive. La Decima is theirs. Unbelievable team.

Right guys? Guys?!

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