Penal Madrid


San Claudio Bravo
That's awesome. So if Ancelotti was a Happy period, that means RM is in store for a Asador (Barbecue) period.

KingMessi do you have the reddit link?


That's awesome. So if Ancelotti was a Happy period, that means RM is in store for a Asador (Barbecue) period.

Second half of this season is the start of the Asador period IMO.

[MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION], here you are

[MENTION=19517]Leo_Messi[/MENTION], you should take a look at this post about the RM Eternal Cycle too. Would love to hear your input/view on it.

You too, [MENTION=19453]MaxY[/MENTION], [MENTION=18429]Morten[/MENTION], [MENTION=5226]Wolfe[/MENTION].

English said:
The eternal cycle of Real Madrid:

Tyrant period (Mou, Heynckes, Capello, Camacho) The team is working, and they win titles, but the internal problems caused by the instated meritocracy (You play only if you train well) and the try to distance the sport media from the team kills the manager.

Pacificator/Happy period (Ancelotti, Del Bosque, Pellegrini) The players still fearing the return of the tyrant run and train well the first year, the team still works, mostly because the tactic work of the past tyrant. Normally this stage ends with titles in the first year (Except Pellegrini)

Barbecue period The tyrant tactics are totally forgotten and so is the fear. The incompetence of the Manager is an evidence (He was only living of the last manager work). The team has 1 or 2 different managers every season. This is the time when players and managers increase their handicap capacity (Golf handicap of course). No one runs and the team wins nothing. The media and the fans asks for a new tyrant to put order in the dressing room. Its not rare to see this stage ending with the president leaving the club.

Spanish said:


LA ETAPA HAPPY surge por aclamación popular inducida por la prensa, ávida de poder, aprovechando el desgaste provocado en la plantilla por el gobierno de un entrenador considerado como "duro". Los medios se encomiendan al "buen juego" y al "señorio" para tratar de recuperar la imagen que "se dice" ha perdido el club en el periodo anterior. El proyecto esta liderado por un entrenador de buenas formas y mejores intenciones. El buen rollito es el denominador común en las redacciones y emisoras de radio que suelen abonar los inicios de dicha etapa apostando por un proyecto que auguran de largo plazo. Los jugadores se muestran esperanzados y el vestuario unido. Salvo excepciones (Pellegrini) las etapas HAPPYS suelen empezar con título toda vez que los jugadores desdoblan su rendimiento y compromiso para ahuyentar el peligro de un nuevo caudillo y, lo que es mas importante, la amenaza del publico señalándoles, esta vez a ellos, ante un segundo fracaso consecutivo. Pese a los éxitos la sensación de fragilidad es manifiesta pero la presencia de rapsodas embaucadores ayuda a crear la sensación contraria.

LA ETAPA ASADOR, en honor a los grandes asadores de la ciudad, Txistu y Donostiarra, prosigue sin excepción a toda etapa HAPPY. Se caracteriza por ser un periodo de decadencia, sin títulos y de una gran reciclaje de entrenadores. Los entrenadores elegidos suelen carecer de nivel incluso en grado cuasicomico. Durante estos periodos algunos jugadores, así como directores y subdirectores de medios, suelen ganar un peso excesivo para la practica del fútbol y el periodismo, como consecuencia de las incesantes exclusivas concedidas en dicho locales de restauración. A otros jugadores que no son de buen comer pero si de buen beber se les puede reconocer por su propensión a tatuarse, durante esas etapas, cualquier parte del cuerpo. Por lo general, es una etapa de despiporre indisimulado que no pocas veces termina con la destitución de un presidente. El vestuario se dispersa en camarillas por lo general coincidente con las diferentes nacionalidades y los capitanes, ante el desgobierno generalizado, toman el mando del club mientras los periodistas realizan pillaje informativo. El equipo fracasa estrepitosamente en el plano deportivo si bien el handicap (de golf) de no pocos jugadores y técnicos mejora sustancialmente.

LA ETAPA CAUDILLO sigue a la ASADOR. Se caracteriza por la contratación de un cacique reclamado por el publico para poner orden en Sodoma y Gomorra. El juego del equipo trata de adquirir consistencia. El vestuario se somete a la disciplina del mister poniendo buena cara aunque cagandose en su pvta madre por las concentraciones, las dobles sesiones de entrenamiento y la meritocracia. Aprovechando el caracter osco del entrenador la prensa, que a mitad de temporada ya ha perdido varios quilos, trata de predisponer al publico contra el mismo bajo los argumentos del futbol poco vistoso, la falta de señorio (consustancial al club) y la poca presencia de canteranos (aunque en otras etapas tambien brillan por su ausencia). Por lo general las etapas Caudillo suelen reportar titulos y seriedad pero la crispación y la inestabilidad institucional ocasionada por el enfrentamiento entre medios y cuerpo tecnico termina por invitar, a estos, a poner fin al proyecto. Hay etapas Caudillo que han durado varios años (Mourinho) y otras de caracter relampago (Camacho).

En AZUL temporadas en los que no se ha ganado NINGUN TITULO, a la derecha TITULOS y POSICION EN CHAMPIONS

1994-1995 Valdano LIGA OCTAVOS 1995-1996 Valdano/Arsenio Iglesias CUARTOS 1996-1997 Capello LIGA

1997-1998 Heynckes CHAMPIONS 1998-1999 Camacho/Hiddink CUARTOS 1999-2000 Toshack/Del Bosque CHAMPIONS 2000-2001 Del Bosque LIGA SEMIFINALES

2001-2002 Del Bosque CHAMPIONS 2002-2003 Del Bosque LIGA SEMIFINALES 2003-2004 Queiroz CUARTOS 2004-2005 Camacho/Garcia Remon/ Luxemburgo OCTAVOS 2005-2006 Luxemburgo/Lopez Caro OCTAVOS

2006-2007 Capello LIGA OCTAVOS 2007-2008 Schuster LIGA OCTAVOS 2008-2009 Schuster/Juande Ramos OCTAVOS 2009-2010 Pellegrini OCTAVOS

2010-2011 Mourinho COPA SEMIFINALES 2011-2012 Mourinho LIGA SEMIFINALES 2012-2013 Mourinho SEMIFINALES

Es obvio por tanto, que estamos en visperas de iniciar un periodo HAPPY


Previously known as Mehssi
Well, if he's (zidane) smart he'll refuse even if he's given the opportunity, he really needs to try and achieve something with Castilla or at a smaller club first, RM/Barça is the most intense environment for a beginner and he might just destroy his RM legacy if he rush into it.


New member
Second half of this season is the start of the Asador period IMO.

[MENTION=15731]Sumlit[/MENTION], here you are

[MENTION=19517]Leo_Messi[/MENTION], you should take a look at this post about the RM Eternal Cycle too. Would love to hear your input/view on it.

You too, [MENTION=19453]MaxY[/MENTION], [MENTION=18429]Morten[/MENTION], [MENTION=5226]Wolfe[/MENTION].

Pretty much spot on. Not much to add here. To be honest you could make various etapas of almost every top club. We also tend to self-explode once every decade or so, sometimes once every half decade.

It's the beauty/misfortune of the two Spanish giants. In that aspect they are pretty much unique among all the top clubs of Europe. Like on so many other fronts.

That was a short cycle.:lucho:


Klopp, huh. Sounds like BS. He said that he won't manage in a country where he doesn't speak the language. Money could change his mind though.

What else did they say tonight on that show? @<a href="" target="_blank">Sumlit</a> @<a href="" target="_blank">Leo_Messi</a>

It's Gallardo. He is a fraud, a joke, mentally challenged, uninformed and a waste of space.


i did not bother to watch the entire show yesterday but it can be watched in its entirety here.

I watched Wednesday's night show and that was enough for this week at least until Sunday.


New member
Regarding Zidane, we should remember that Pep was also appointed first team coach after only one season coaching, and with none other than the B team.


New member
Regarding Zidane, we should remember that Pep was also appointed first team coach after only one season coaching, and with none other than the B team.

It's not like the likes of Guardiola are growing on the trees. He is pretty much a unique case but I would love if Pérez was stupid enough to appoint Pérez. It would create big tension in their squad as pretty much everyone stands behind Carlo. Even after the team self-exploded against Valencia and Juve.

It would be so typical of Pérez. He really should stick to finances and leave the sporting element of the club to more competent people.


New member
Really stupid to fire Ancelloti. Yes, this season has been a disappointment for them (assuming we wrap up the league) but when they have had everybody fit they have still looked like one of the best teams in the world. I don't think there's anybody in world football who honestly thinks Zidane would do as good a job as Ancelloti. Perez can't even believe that surely but that wont stop him firing Ancelloti.
If they sign De Gea, a back up for Modric and a proper defensive mid then they're set to have a good season next year with Ancelloti. There's no hint of the players losing faith in him. Yes, his two title challenges have been poor but considering he won the Decima and how well they've looked at times, he's their best option for next season by far.

Sunny Mir

Leo_Messi said:
[quote name="Stric" post=1469274]Regarding Zidane, we should remember that Pep was also appointed first team coach after only one season coaching, and with none other than the B team.

It's not like the likes of Guardiola are growing on the trees. He is pretty much a unique case but I would love if Pérez was stupid enough to appoint Pérez. It would create big tension in their squad as pretty much everyone stands behind Carlo. Even after the team self-exploded against Valencia and Juve.

It would be so typical of Pérez. He really should stick to finances and leave the sporting element of the club to more competent people.[/quote]

Well doesn't he practically do that now also by picking half the lineups.:mou:


Active member
Yap,one of the worst. RM and Barca have the worst fans, abusing their own players.

There are always stupid fans but I don't think there will ever be a time when camp nou boos xavi or iniesta or any other legend like Rm fans do it with casillas and ronaldo.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Wait, is it a done deal that Ancelotti will be leaving? I thought it was just a rumor?

If true, this is sad but great news for us, I think. I have always liked him and I don't think Real Madrid's failure this season can be pinned on him. Plus, Real Madrid hasn't done that bad actually, they could still get the La Liga title (if we fuck up the last two games), and they were pretty close in the CL too.

I would be thrilled if Klopp ends up taking over. I like him but I think Klopp is the ultimate one-trick pony that will not do a lot of good (at least not long term good) to Real Madrid.

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