Penal Madrid


Culé de Celestial Empire
From what I have read on various forums the reaction from a lot of Real Madrid fans seems to be quite positive. Many of them think this will help their team attain the stability it needs and the oil they need for their team to gel.

It could turn out to benefit them in the end.


They say that only because we won the treble right after our ban. What Barça did is exceptional; it shouldn't be the expectation.


Senior Member
Apparently since he's French and was under 16 when he started at RM. They gave Zidane a job afterwards I believe.

He was a player for Madrid in 2001, his son moved there afterwards in 2004, surely having a job such as player/coach is enough as a reason for a 6 year old to move countries for family reasons.
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When they appeal this could it push the window to next year instead of the summer?

No they likely wouldn't be able to. We were banned in April, remember. RM have 2 weeks to appeal I believe. And if it's denied before The transfer window opens to register players, they're done.


Culé de Celestial Empire
They say that only because we won the treble right after our ban. What Barça did is exceptional; it shouldn't be the expectation.

Perhaps, but they are pretty much set though, they don't have any glaring holes that they need to plug. One or two windows without FP fucking them up by parachuting some star players into their squad that Zidane will have to worry about accommodating/fielding might seriously do them some good. Plus, they can still recall their players on loan, right?


Senior Member
1. International transfers of players are only permitted if the player is over
the age of 18.

2. The following three exceptions to this rule apply:

a) The player’s parents move to the country in which the new club is
located for reasons not linked to football;

b) The transfer takes place within the territory of the European
Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) and the player
is aged between 16 and 18. In this case, the new club must fulfi l
the following minimum obligations:​

i) It shall provide the player with an adequate football education
and/or training in line with the highest national standards.

ii) It shall guarantee the player an academic and/or school and/or
vocational education and/or training, in addition to his football
education and/or training, which will allow the player to pursue
a career other than football should he cease playing professional

iii) It shall make all necessary arrangements to ensure that
the player is looked after in the best possible way (optimum
living standards with a host family or in club accommodation,
appointment of a mentor at the club, etc.).

iv) It shall, on registration of such a player, provide the
relevant association with proof that it is complying with the
aforementioned obligations;​

c) The player lives no further than 50km from a national border
and the club with which the player wishes to be registered in the
neighbouring association is also within 50km of that border. The
maximum distance between the player’s domicile and the club’s
headquarters shall be 100km. In such cases, the player must
continue to live at home and the two associations concerned must
give their explicit consent.​

3. The conditions of this article shall also apply to any player who has
never previously been registered with a club and is not a national of
the country in which he wishes to be registered for the fi rst time.

4. Each association shall ensure the respect of this provision by its clubs.

5. The Players’ Status Committee shall be competent to decide on
any dispute arising in relation to these matters and shall impose
appropriate sanctions in the event of violations of this provision.

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