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If mourinho had to be sacked, it would be if Madrid lose against Atletico during Copa del rey's final.
We should hire Mourinho. I know he deep inside wants to be our coach. With him we could dominate again, like it or not, he's the best coach in the world ATM.
If mourinho had to be sacked, it would be if Madrid lose against Atletico during Copa del rey's final.
We should hire Mourinho. I know he deep inside wants to be our coach. With him we could dominate again, like it or not, he's the best coach in the world ATM.
Then we should try to get Klopp or André Villas-Boas.He could be a really good coach for Barcelona and imo we would be again nr.1 in the CL but he doesn't know anything about fair play and is a c*nt. We need someone who is brilliant as he is , tactical speaking but with less arogance and negative traits that Mou has.
Then we should try to get Klopp or André Villas-Boas.
Klopp is great. Dortmund went into halftime agitated after 1-1 and came out as beasts. Amazing motivator, good tactical and he seems close to his players and a great personality in general.
What about André Villas-Boas?
He could be a really good coach for Barcelona and imo we would be again nr.1 in the CL but he doesn't know anything about fair play and is a c*nt. We need someone who is brilliant as he is , tactical speaking but with less arogance and negative traits that Mou has.
Madrid fans were singing 'less millions and more balls' to the team at the airport.