Sebastián Coates



well yes, all things being equal and everyone living in fantasy land, but players of Cannavaro's technique, pace, drive and bite aren't 6'5.

and Coates, however much you'd like to pretend, isn't that great with the ball at his feet. he's good, sure, but that video, your "conclusive proof" is not some Xaviesque genius. he beats three or four players with nice touches, catching the ball because of his big stride and because his team-mate knocks a defender out of his way. it's more indicative of his dribbling ability than his passing. and the pass he does make at the end of it really isn't that special. he has 3 yards in front of him with zero pressure and picks out a simple pass to find the striker who has already started making his run.

you're gonna haveta do more to convince me this kid can play the ball like Jones. who we've seen function perfectly fine AS A MIDFIELDER. I'm not making this up, or exaggerating, he played in midfield for Blackburn and did a great job. he also did a great job at CB. the fact that Fergie spent 16m when he didn't need a CB, but bought Jones just because "he was too good to pass up on" says everything you need to know about him.

and yes Agger is a superb ball-playing CB, he's also got the square root of fuck all to do with Phil Jones. grow up.
Who says? You are saying that there will never be a player with Cannavaro's ability that could stand 6'5? That's a ridiculous comment. There's no reason whatsoever why there couldn't be a player like that. Guess what, there are fast athletic people that stand 6'5. Not all 6'5 people are slowfooted dimwits, not sure if you are a midget or not to think this way, if so I apologise.

How do you know how good Coates is with the ball at his feet if you've not seen anything bar that clip I posted? I've seen a number of clips, seen one Copa America match he played, plus read scouting reports from enough different sources to know he's pretty good with the ball at his feet. YOU are the one talking about Jones like he's Xavi in a CB body, and like most arrogant Man U supporters you like to think every player Man U go after is a better talent than anyone else. I'm not so arrogant as you. I'm saying Coates has the potential to be better than Jones based on what I've seen and what a number of others who've seen him play more than I have said. But I can admit Jones is more accomplished now, and very well could remain the better player if Coates doesn't develop well in Europe which is a big possibility (hence the risk over a proven english player).

You on the other hand are making comments about what Coates can NOT do based on ... well nothing except your indignation that anyone could ever be compared with such a prodigiously talent United player.

The Agger comparison was to prove Jones is not a "brilliant" ball playing CB. If he was brilliant he'd be at Aggers level technically, but he's not. That makes him good. But that one obviously went over your head. Your assertion that he's a great ball playing CB because he played in the midfield for Blackburn is humorous. Robbie Savage played midfield for Blackburn once, and my Grandma is more technically gifted than him.

Two unbiased reports on Coates


average at best? :lol: I'll admit it's taken him a while to show his true colours for United, but then he's only 23 and has already spent at least one year out with a broken leg & a cruciate tear. that'd slow anyone's development down, especially as it (and the recovery periods) comes in the middle of adapting to a new country.

as Jatin says, he looked the business at Porto. and now he's finally starting to look the business at United. although he's always impressed when given an extended run in the team, and has played (and excelled) in some mighty big games for United, now he looks genuinely ready to fulfill his potential. he was brilliant at the end of last season and now the start of this. so, bad example.

a better example of Fergie buying someone he didn't need and getting it wrong would have been Veron. but then it wasn't that he misjudged Veron's talents, it's that he thought Scholes was a true enganche because he made so many forward runs. of course, had he realised that Scholes was just a volante given 433 freedoms in a 442 because Roy Keane was fucking awesome, he'd have not ended up disrupting the harmony of that magic midfield quartet and woulda spent that 30m on a proper enganche to play behind Ruud (Rui Costa or somethin') and would have had one sexy motherfucker of a team.

Yes I was going to say Veron,he was the first player who came to mind but I didn't mention him because of the reason you suggested.

We will have to agree to disagree about Anderson,don't think he was worth anywhere near what Fergie payed for him,at least not yet.


Bomb Dropper
Who says? You are saying that there will never be a player with Cannavaro's ability that could stand 6'5? That's a ridiculous comment. There's no reason whatsoever why there couldn't be a player like that. Guess what, there are fast athletic people that stand 6'5. Not all 6'5 people are slowfooted dimwits, not sure if you are a midget or not to think this way, if so I apologise.

I shouldn't have said pace, I guess. that wasn't what I mean. I'm well aware there are 6'5 people who are extremely athletic. but defenders of Cannavaro's technique and drive are almost never that big. that's not to say everyone who's 6'5 is Ryan Shawcross, but you can't just say "all things being equal" because they never are.

and I'm no midget.

How do you know how good Coates is with the ball at his feet if you've not seen anything bar that clip I posted? I've seen a number of clips, seen one Copa America match he played, plus read scouting reports from enough different sources to know he's pretty good with the ball at his feet. YOU are the one talking about Jones like he's Xavi in a CB body, and like most arrogant Man U supporters you like to think every player Man U go after is a better talent than anyone else. I'm not so arrogant as you. I'm saying Coates has the potential to be better than Jones based on what I've seen and what a number of others who've seen him play more than I have said. But I can admit Jones is more accomplished now, and very well could remain the better player if Coates doesn't develop well in Europe which is a big possibility (hence the risk over a proven english player).

You on the other hand are making comments about what Coates can NOT do based on ... well nothing except your indignation that anyone could ever be compared with such a prodigiously talent United player.

I've seen more of Coates than you have, but that's got nothing to do with anything. you kept saying it had been proven he was as good as/better than Jones with the ball. and you didn't prove anything. you just said it had been proven. I don't know if that video was supposed to be proof or not...

ANYWAY: the genesis of this argument was someone rambling that Coates was already better than Jones based on a quote from some douchebag journo. I disputed this, because there's no way he's as accomplished and the talent difference is edged by Jones as well. so now the arguments changed to he has greater potential than Jones despite being older, less accomplished and, let's face it, at a worse club that's less proven at developing young talent (especially defenders). and the reason for his greater potential? he's taller. I mean you'd think a forum full of Barcelona fans, having seen the 5'9 Mascherano excel at CB against bigger opponents, would know that size really isn't everything. I mean didn't the 6'1 Wes Brown manhandle the 6'5 Andy Carroll? I'm sure last season I saw the 6'2 Vidic destroy the 6'7 Crouch in the air?

and to get it straight; I'm a massive fan of Coates. I knew he was good, but the way he stepped up at the Copa was just superb. I was suggesting that, next summer, we buy him to be the future of our defence along with Piqué (although frankly, the way things are looking, that may be Mascherano in the short-term).

The Agger comparison was to prove Jones is not a "brilliant" ball playing CB. If he was brilliant he'd be at Aggers level technically, but he's not. That makes him good. But that one obviously went over your head.

Agger's 26. Jones is 19.

Piqué's better than Jones with the ball, too. but he's 24 so I didn't see the point bringing him up.

Your assertion that he's a great ball playing CB because he played in the midfield for Blackburn is humorous. Robbie Savage played midfield for Blackburn once, and my Grandma is more technically gifted than him.

Emile Heskey once played up-front for Liverpool. so that means Luis Suarez can't be an incisive finisher, right?

come on, now.

very nice.


Bomb Dropper
We will have to agree to disagree about Anderson,don't think he was worth anywhere near what Fergie payed for him,at least not yet.

that's the benefit of buying young players. even if you overpay, time is on your side and improvement is possible.

we're all laughing at Kenny right now, but Henderson has plenty of time to improve and justify his fee.

I mean, I don't think he will, and we should all laugh at Kenny repeatedly for spending that kind of money on such a duffer, but it's clearly a long-term signing.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
You are a United fan.

Hey, nothing wrong with that, to each their own. Nobody's perfect!

Anyway, it looks like Coates is a Liverpool player. Too bad, I guess when he stagnates because he's taught to do nothing but make reckless tackles to fit in the EPL, Uruguay's best hope for Lugano 2 is going to be Polenta.
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