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  1. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    I cant believe we are wasting our time with the hazard rumours.we need a cb first.laporte would be ideal.he is extremely quick for a center half,maybe benatia to go along with him.that'd be nice. Neymar. muller/Messi reus/alexis Messi /muller busi...
  2. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Our team is full of fvckin midgets,and im not talking about the defenders,im talking about pathetic yesterday.nobody wanted to track back.if we want to move on we will have to make some redical changes.. Two midget fullbacks just wont many times have we've been...
  3. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    My ideal formation Neymar muller messi Iniesta. kroos busi Doria. Laporte. Pique\benatia. Cuadrado TS.... CUADRADO CAN MAKE THE OVERLAPPING RUNS,Messi can play as the playmaker,muller can go into a wide position or an attacking mid position,.....he is a dynamic...
  4. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    What about EL LOCO himself,marcelo bielsa,isnt he out of a sure he'd bring something different to our club,and he is a person who demands respect,and he'd probably get rid of the players he deems unworthy...
  5. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    wow,people have started to blame Messi again,the fact is that Alexis was never good enough to play for Barcelona,he doesn't suit our system....he is not that great a dribbler,hasn't got Barcelona vision,poor finishing,.....and not that quick when it matters,and always falls down before making...
  6. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    In my opinion,buying laporte is a must,he is extremely quick and can offer us something new,....pace is something our other cbs lack except masch,who is not a cb ofcourse....he is also young at 19.extremely talented.hummels is too much like pique,and slow.i don't know h about benatia,but i don't...
  7. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    The players i would like to see starting for barca next season.... marc andre ter stegn Cuadrado. benatia. laporte(or pique,). Doria kroos. busi(William carvalho,Martinez,matic) messi Reus. mandzukic. neymar So I'd buy...
  8. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Laporte looks the real deal,pace power,a hood understanding of the game,his aerial ability could be questioned.but otherwise a superb defender,im sure he's as good as pique in the air,and he'll only get better........ ....are we going with the same old predictable false 9 system again.......i...
  9. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    People saying we should buy luiz rather than laporte should be sterilized,luiz is 27 years old,he's not a long term option,laporte is 19 and already better than luiz..... We should buy laporte and another cb(i don't mind if it is benatia or luiz),and maybe doria if he is cheap,because he has the...
  10. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Guys,i just read that laporte has a 36 million euro buyout...
  11. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Alba for me is not good enough ,going forward we need someone like the old alves who can take his man on and skin him,not a road runner like alba,who needs a through all delivered infront of him to create any trouble for the opposition defenders.
  12. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Ever since I've been on this forum(about 2 weeks i think),I've been saying alba is not good enough for us because as I've said before ,if we are to play Messi ,centrally or on the right wing,then someone will need to make those overlapping runs,like alves did in the past,.......a dfensive right...
  13. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

  14. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    :shakeshead::shakeshead::shakeshead:Extra frustrating for me because it was my birthday today,oh can't be helped as long as this moronic board stays,
  15. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors reporting that Messi didn't play properly against atm because he didn't like playing on the wings,if he doesn't want to play on the wings,then in my view he should be converted to a second striker behind a proper strikerthad be great.
  16. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    I don't think klopp would come,if he did ,it'd be great,just watched Reus vs Bayern,he was superb on the right side
  17. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Nobody said anything about selling Messi,its the midfield that's the problem,a problem that would be fixed by buying physical players,we cant do that if iniesta stays,because we'd have to play cesc(slow),and iniesta(slow and small),neymar(5'8,small),messi(5'7 small)
  18. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    What's baffling is that you want to build a team around cesc fabregas......
  19. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Kroos recently played defensive mid against united, Muller has one of the best workrates all across Europe,doria is 6'2,fit as a flea,,.......its just a matter of making the right bid,with lewandowsky in the team and also mandzukic,i highly doubt Muller would get much playing time,if klopp...
  20. K

    Barça's Transfers and Rumors

    Alba is a liability these days,just like tapnaldo,he needs someone to pick a pass for him so he can use his pace to get to the ball quicker than the other player,he is not any good on 1 v1 situations because he doesn't have the best technique.his dribbling is not that great.we should buy...

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